new Beginnings

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Dantes'  P.o.v

i woke up the next morning to find daine sleeping right next to me, last night was a blur but i remember he told me he wasn't going anywhere and i believe him, i like him, hes finally a nice person i've met that doesn't want to use me for sex or just to beat up. he genuinely cares, so when he texted me asking if i was okay, i knew that i could trust him.he doesn't know the full story but i plan on telling him what happened, my parents gave up caring a long time ago and i can pretty much do whatever i want,hell they're the ones who introduced me to that ass hat and probably the ones who let him in. They know what he did to me because they were in the hospital room with me after he left me there when id lost too much blood, the word he cut into my chest was too deep and he could have fucking killed me. the prick. i just wish for once that he would get whats coming to him.  i cant keep thinking like this, shaking my head i nudge daine in the ribs gently trying to wake him up. the fucker thinks hes gonna sleep in my bed while i'm sitting here all cute and shit. nah i just really want a hug right now, and maybe some blueberry pancakes, i love pancakes especially blueberry ones.

Daine starts to wake up slowly, his eyes being attacked by the light, damn curtains, i forgot i left them open yesterday and we kinda just slept the day away. His parents must be worrying about him right now.

"hey sleepy head" i said 

"hey cutie" he replies

I smile and get up out of the bed, he called me cute i don't know why but that makes me really happy right about now. i need to tell him about what happened i'm sure hes worried about me i didn't exactly tell him all that much yesterday. 

" Your ass is making this "cutie" some blueberry pancakes" i tell him as i walk out, making sure to sway my hips a bit more than normal.

I hear daine get out of bed and follow behind me, he's still wearing his hoodie from yesterday so hell probably go home pretty soon. 

"And why am i making you blueberry pancakes?" he asks.

" cause they're my favorite and i said so, so yeah"  i reply to his ridiculous question.

"i guess im making blueberry pancakes then" he said with a sigh

i mentally fist pump, i fucking love pancakes especially blueberry ones my parents used to make them for me as a kid, we walk into my kitchen and i feel at home. i love cooking but for today im gonna make daine my bitch. i start getting the shit out of the cupboard so he can start the pancakes, i look behind me and i see daine leaning on one of the counters watching me intently, under different cirmumstances i would have been nervous but for some reason i around him, it could just be the intimidating aura he gives off. i dont know but its whatever im not really worried about it. 

" so why the fascination with blueberry pancakes? i mean why not just make normal pancakes" daine asks

" cause my parents used to make them for me as a kid, when they actually gave a shit about what happened to me,but now they dont care, i still love pancakes though so im not really gonna complain" i scoff

i could actually care less about the pancakes i just didnt want him to leave yet without explaining myself and the fact that he found me on my bedroom floor crying my eyes out. I feel daine step closer to me, the fucker walks like a cat so i cant really hear his steps.

" here's all the shit to make the pancakes i'm gonna go shower.." i say nervously

"o.k, ill call you when there done" he says with a wink

 i walk back towards my room and the en-suite bathroom. i can already hear the pancakes on the griddle sizzling away whilst they cook. i step into the bathroom and close and lock the door. Peeling off my clothes i step into the shower and turn it on, letting the cold water turn warm as it runs over me, i want to tell him, i know i have to tell him, but i don't know how. i just cant think clearly around him and the last thing i want to do is blurt something out and make him freak out just like everybody else.What if he hates me? thinks exactly what i know, that im broken. i hear a knock on the bathroom door and i turn the shower off, wrapping a towel around my waist i unlock the bathroom door and enter my room, daine was sitting on my bed with two plates of pancakes, a glass of milk for us both and some bacon on the side. 

" that stuff looks delicious, lets hope it tastes as good as it looks" i say sarcastically

" oh it will, i used my grandmas secret recipe, shits amazing" he replies

i start to get dressed pulling out a pair of tight black boxer briefs and putting them on under the towel, with a bit of struggle i finally get them on. i let the towel drop and i walk over and grab my plate, plopping down next to daine i start eating. 

" OMG this shit is fucking amazing!" i yell

" told you" he says with a smirk

he's apparently a natural smartass. so he and i will get along very well. good thing too, i can tell im gonna be seeing a lot more of him around school, he seems like he wants to keep an eye on me, i mean hes freaking watching me eat.

"what?" i ask

"nothing" he answers

" then quit watching me damn you got your own food" i respond sarcastically.

He silently goes back to eating the food he made for himself. i bite my lip and watch him eat, maybe i should tell him now, i mean he seems relaxed enough, i just hope he doesnt freak out on me. i dont want to lose a potential friend.

'Sooooo daine i feel like i should explain what happened yesterday" i mutter

he looks over at me with a curious expression.

" a few years ago my parents introduced me to this guy they thought would be good for me, they knew him through a family friend and i guess they had met him a couple times and yeah, but basically after we started dating, he started abusing me, and forcing me to have sex with him, for so long i hated myself and thought i was nothing more than someones slave, but i eventually found the courage to leave and he, well, he wouldn't let me leave, he had me pinned down on the ground, i told him to get off and he took out his knife and carved the word broken into my chest, i screamed as he did, i screamed as loud as i could but nobody came, nobody helped me, with each letter he dug the knife deeper into my chest, getting closer and closer to my heart. eventually i passed out from the pain and bloodloss and next thing i knew, i was in the hospital with my parents lecturing me about how this wall all my fucking fault and that i deserve to die" i confess to him

 i watch as daine puts his plate and my plate down on the night stand and pull me into his arms, i immediately burst into tears crying into his chest as he tells me its ok and that im safe now.

" i promise i will never let anyone ever hurt you again dante, i promise" he whispers.


so dante finally told daine what happened, and daine isnt gonna let anything happen to him anymore, or is he? tell me what you guys think, vote comment, tell your friends about "Dont fear the reaper", till next time ladies and gentlewhores....

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