Tempting Fate.

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Dont listen to the song until I tell you.

Dante's p.o.v

I walk out of my government class into the now almost empty hall, some kid in dark faded jeans and a white tee, walking a few feet ahead of me. I watched the way his muscles moved as he ran his hand through his hair, knocking off the hat he was wearing. I jog forward and pick up his hat, I groan inwardly, why do I have to be a good person?

With a sigh I quickly run up to the kid in front of me,bracing myself for the worst I tap his shoulder, he stops dead in his tracks and whirls around to face me, my breath hitched, I studied his face, his long black hair tousled and pushed off to the side, his crystal clear blue eyes staring daggers at me. I tilted my head to the side as I eye raped him.

"What?" He spat out venomously

"U-um...you dropped t-this" I said nervously as I held his hat out to him

His faced went from stoic to confused, he looked down at the hat and slowly reached a hand up to his hair and realized he wasn't wearing the hat I held in my hands.

" oh...thanks I never would have noticed it fell off, I was pretty lost in my thoughts" he said taking his hat from me

I nodded my head in response, not sure what to say,so I just look down at his shoes, trying to not make eye contact, id be lying if I said this guy didn't intimidate me.

" I uh..gotta go, I'll see you around school" he said awkwardly as he put his beanie back on and walked away

I let out a small sigh and walk away from him as quick as I can, not wanting to have another awkward conversation or be intimidated by just a look. I find my way to the cafeteria, stopping in the doorway I listen to the loud voices of so many teenagers who haven't heard of "inside voices"

I quickly spot my group of friends, were known as the weirdos of the school but I don't care ,it just makes people leave us alone. I walk over to them and sit down at the table, pretending to listen but not caring enough to pay any actual attention to what they're saying.

Who was that guy? And why haven't I seen him around here before?

I decide to just ignore the part of me that wants to go find him again and ask him his name, as he pinned me to a wall with a glare. The bell rings and o practically jump out of my seat and run out of the cafeteria. The rest of my day decided to not cooperate with me and drone on forever.

My thoughts were everywhere, I couldnt focus on anything in front of me. Pretty soon the day was over, my last three classes usually interest me but I just wanted to walk out and go home.

The bell rang, basically telling us all that we have fifteen minutes to get our shit and get the fuck out. I walked to my locker, semi listening to the conversations around me, its friday so everyone is talking about there plans for the weekend.

I put away my books and grab my jacket. Slamming the locker shut I walk towards the entrance. I just want to go home and crash, sleep until the second tuesday of next week.

Walking out the doors I head straight for the parking lot, looking around and seeing everyone gathered around there cars.someone grabbed my arm, so I turn around.

"Hey, I was hoping id see you again." he said.

"H-hi" I stutterd out, god im so stupid.

I watched the smile spread across his face, and how quickly he stopped it by biting his lip. God can he be any fucking sexier?

" I just wanted to say thanks for picking my hat up earlier, id have gone crazy without it, and I never got your name, im daine." He said smoothly

"Im dante. And it was n-no problem, really" I replied. He made me want to melt into a puddle. Why does he have such an affect on me?

"Well dante do you want a ride home? And before you answer, im going to assume your walking home, so you dnt really have much choice in this." Did he just answer his own question...do I trust him?

He started walking towards the far end of the paking lot and I followed, he was heading towards the motorcylce I always admired on my way to school everyday. Is he the one who owns it? Id have to sell a few organs to get that bike. Ducatis are fucking expensive.

I jogged after him trying to keep his pace,

"I should have an extra helmet, if not you can wear mine" he states without looking at me.

I nod.

We both reach the bike, my mouth haning open like a dumbass. It was just so fucking beautiful. I wished my parents would get me one. Ive been bugging them for years.

"Yeah I dont have an extra helmet, so youll just have to wear mine" he says while holding out his helmet to me.

Grabbing the helmet from him I put it on and strap it in, I wath h him swing a leg over the bike and put the kick stand up balancing it so I can get on.

"Whats your address?" He asks after im on the bike.

I tell him where I live, I hope he doesnt start stalking me, lets just say ive dealt with stalkers before and I dont need to go through that again. Daine starts the bike and I rest my head against his back and wrap my arms around his waist. I feel the bike jerk forward and I close my eyes. Oddly enjoying being this close to another human being,

(if youve never been on a motorcycle, your pretty much on top of the other person.k bye.)

pretty soon we come to a stop,and he wiggles his shoulder trying to tell me somethung.

"We're here"

(ok.play the song)

I lift my head and let go of his waist,taking his helmet off and handing it to him.i get off the bike and thank him for giving me a ride.

"No problem man, anytime you need a ride, just ask, ok?" He reassures me.

I nod my head. Watching him back out of my drive way and zoom off down the street. I turn and head for my front door, its unlocked so my mom must be home.i walk into the house and yell an 'im home' to my mom and head to my room.

I walk through the living room and turn the corner walking down the hall toward my room. The door was opened a bit and I could have sworn I closed it. Cautiously I walk towards my door and kick it open.

" hey dante, long time no see huh?"

I freeze. Lookin over to my window I see my worst nightmare, the man who made my life a living hell for so many years.

"W-what are you d-doing h-here?" I stutter. Why the fuck does this have to happen now. I was doing so well. Why??

"Isnt it obvious? Im here to see you" he said, his voice sickly sweet. Holding a sinister tone.

"No!" I shout before everything goes black.

Poor dante, I wonder what demons he's been trying to keep away? Comment, vote, let me know what you guys think. Till next time ladies and gentlewhores!

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