Au Revior

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Footsteps in the snow. A lone figure stepped into the cemetery. Francis Bonnefoy carried a single red rose as he approached her grave.

“Bonjour, ma chère.” He said softly, kneeling and placing the blossom on the frozen ground. A wind blew, making one of the petals fly away.

“Tout est bon,” He continued. “Mathieu et Gilbert don't content, et Alfred et Arthur, et Antoine et Lovino.

“Moi? Je pense que. Arthur est content avec Alfred, et tu est content, j'éspere, alors je suis content aussi. Pas de problème.” Francis smiled, and another wind blew, this sharper and colder than the last. “Au revior, Jeanne.”

Au Revoir (Hetalia Drabble)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora