Chapter 77: Midnight Thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Honestly, I'm super, super excited for the twins, and all that. Like, really, I am. I'm anxious, but I'm overjoyed, and I can't wait to meet the twins, and you know that," Pat says, swallowing.

"Yeah, I do." I say, gesturing for him to continue.

"But I'm also really excited for you to not be pregnant anymore so that we can fuck again." Pat laughs, biting his lip.

I cough, nearly spitting out my ice cream at his last comment.

I sit up and swallow, nearly choking, and then burst out laughing.

"Oh my God, Pat." I laugh, shaking my head.

"What?" He laughs, his mouth partly open and his eyebrows raised.

His curls are loose, and he runs a hand through them, his blue eyes shining in the autumn evening light that pours through the window.

"You're ridiculous." I laugh, shaking my head.

"But seriously, though. You can't honestly admit that you don't miss sex." Pat says, tilting his head slightly.

I roll my eyes playfully, getting up from the couch to go grab a glass of water from the kitchen.

He slaps my ass as I walk away, and I laugh, shaking my head.

"No, Abby, I'm dead serious!" Pat calls, from the TV room.

"I know you are, Pat!" I giggle, as I fill up a glass of ice water, and make my way back to the couch, plopping down beside him.

It's true though; I do miss sex.

Pat and I have only had it maybe twice my entire pregnancy.

Before I got pregnant, Pat and I were doing it weekly (more during our honeymoon, oops) because we were newlyweds, and we didn't have anything else to do.

Don't get me wrong, it was extremely enjoyable, and I honestly do miss it.

But your sex drive just goes downhill, when you're pregnant.

I'm sure it will come back after the birth of the twins, but at that point, Patrick and I aren't going to be able to have sex as often, because, one, the NHL season will be back and Pat won't be at home very often, and two, when he is home, we have two babies to look after.

I know that we'll find time for it, but I'm just saying it might not be as much as before.

But with Patrick, you honestly just never know.

He finds ways.


I roll my eyes, laughing as I think about it.

"Just admit, that you miss it. I mean, how can you not miss the Sugar Kane or the Kaner Shuffle?" Pat winks, smirking.

My jaw drops, and I slap his shoulder lightly.

"Patrick!" I cry, laughing.

"What?" He asks, smiling.

"I told you to never repeat those out loud." I say, widening my eyes.

"Uhm, we're alone right now, Abby..." Pat points out, looking around the apartment.

I sigh, laughing.

"Goddamn you're annoying as fuck." I say, kissing him on the cheek gently.

The "Kaner Shuffle" and the "Sugar Kane" were terms invented by Patrick and I somewhere along in our sex life.

I don't even remember how those terms came about, but I'm not going to go into too much detail about what they mean, because, well... just because.

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