Chapter 64: Evening Bliss

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"You look beautiful, Abigail." Patrick says, as he takes my hand.

I take my last step down the staircase, and smile up at him.

"Thank-you, Patrick." I say, quietly.

He smiles, kissing me on the top of my head gently.

It's Sunday, April 16.

Tonight, Patrick and I are having both of our families over for dinner at the apartment.

The last game of the Blackhawks' regular season was last night, here in Chicago.

They finished off the season with a win over the Florida Panthers, in front of their home crowd.

Patrick's sisters and his parents came down for the game, and my parents and Chris all came to the game as well.

Chris just finished his semester at the University of Pittsburgh, and has come home for the summer, so he was even able to attend the game last night.

It was great; my entire family and Patrick's entire family were all there together, and it was amazing to re-connect with everyone.

Donna and Pat's sisters have only seen me a few times while I've been pregnant, and it was in the extremely early stages, when you couldn't even tell that I was pregnant.

Last night, was the first time they saw me when I was obviously pregnant.

And they couldn't stop complimenting me at how good I look, despite being about seventeen weeks pregnant.

They were being so nice, it was wonderful to hear.

Neither of our families know that I'm pregnant with twins, however.

My mom has pointed out a few times that my baby bump is quite large for being seventeen weeks pregnant, but I have sort of just shrugged it off every time she brings it up.

Tonight, however, Patrick and I are going to tell all of our family members that I am pregnant with twins.

Tonight, we will break the news to them.

It's about 5:58 in the evening, and our families are coming over at 6:00 tonight, so they should be here any minute.

"So, how do you think they are going to react to the news of twins?" Patrick asks from behind me, as I walk towards the kitchen.

He follows just behind me.

I sigh, shaking my head.

"I have no idea. Honestly Pat, they are all going to be stunned, but I'm sure they will be happy too." I laugh, running a hand through my newly-curled hair.

I curled my hair for the evening tonight, and simply threw on a black skirt with a striped black and white shirt.

Nothing too fancy, but nothing too casual.

"I'm excited to see my sisters' reactions." Pat laughs, running a hand through his blonde curls.

"I bet." I laugh, as I place one last pitcher of water on the glass dining room table.

Patrick and I have set up the apartment for dinner this evening, and I made a pretty simple (but delicious) pasta dish.

Right then, I hear a knock on the door.

"I got it." I say, as I stroll across the apartment floor and towards the entrance.

I swing open the door, and both Patrick and my's families stand in front of me.

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