Meeting Eve

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    Once I finished getting dressed I grabbed my jacket, purse, and keys and walked to go to the bus stop. As soon as I opened the door the sun's brightness exploded into my face. It was humid outside and not one vapor of wind would pass by. I started to regret brining my coat. Once I got to the bus stop the bus appeared right away. If I would've took one minute longer to get out of my house I would've missed it.

    I took a seat next to a lady about in her late 20s. I scanned her from the top to the bottom. She wore black heels with a black skirt reaching to her knees, a black blazer, a neat white blouse, with a stylish black scarf, and her hair pulled back into a ponytail. 

     I pulled out my phone from my bag and went straight to Facebook. While I was browsing through, I noticed her picking up her black and white purse to grab this big book. Before I thought about the book I thought about how much black and white she had on, but then I noticed the cover of her book stating "Holy Bible" in gold letters.

    I stopped looking at her from the corner of my eye and turned my head facing her. She looked at me and asked "would you like to read with me".

    "Excuse me" I asked.
    "Oh I'm sorry are you not Christian".
    "No, I am. Well kind of".
       She was about to say something but then she paused, looked at her bible, and then back at me. "What's your name?".
    "My name is Katie".  I was thinking about just turning my head back to my phone but instead I decided to be polite. "And your name?".
     "It's Eve".
      "Nice to meet you".
      I turned on my phone and went back on Facebook, but she instantly turned back to me.
     "If you don't mind me asking, what did you mean when you said you were kind of Christian".
      I wanted to say "none of your business" really badly, but I remembered my dream and my vow to stay calm, "it's complicated".
      "Well then maybe you can help me understand".
     She seemed so nice, and her smile seemed to light up the bus, I didn't know what to do.
      "I don't even think I have enough time", I told her.
      "Well then thank God there is such things as phones".
      I let out a little giggle and she smiled, I don't think I've smiled in a while. She took out a paper from her bible ripped  a piece, grabbed a pen from her purse and wrote down her number. I took it and put in my pocket. The bus came to stop, Eve grabbed her things and left, when she got to the door she said " God bless you all".
      I was shocked by this woman, I don't think I've seen anyone like her. Bibles are mostly in church and maybe at home but never in a bus, well from what I know. She was so polite and patient, I think I'll never be able to be like that. I pulled out the paper and took a look at her number, I then put it in my purse instead of my pocket just to make sure I don't lose it. It's a bad habit of mine loosing things.

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