Prompt 7: Get out of my sight.

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*New prompt arc, Abandonment*

Khushi lay on her bed curled up into a ball, her back to the door. Silent tears escaped her eyes steadily but she didn't make a sound. She did not sob, she didn't even make a noise as simple as breathing. Hearing footsteps approaching outside, she quickly sat up, wiping her cheeks of the evidence of her crying fit.

Hearing the door open, Khushi didn't even bother looking over her shoulder to see who entered. She knew, even after four years, she instinctively recognized his presence.

Hearing his footsteps nearing her bed, she instinctively tensed, the only reaction she allowed herself to his closeness.

"Khushi." he called out. She ignored him, standing up from the bed with her back still facing him. She felt his hand grasp her upper arm, slowly turning her around.

Inhaling deeply, Khushi slowly looked up into his eyes, holding onto all her control to not cry again. She was done crying for him.

"Khushi," he whispered, gazing at her. "The first face I expected to greet me but the last one I see. What, you're not going to welcome your best friend back?"

Gazing up at him with angry eyes, Khushi finally spoke. "My best friend left four years ago, he left without telling me. He left me with no contact for four years. He left and told his family to never give me his contact information. On that day, my best friend died to me. And the dead don't come back, so why would I be welcoming someone who can't be here?" 

He blinked in shock at her words, face paling at her speech that was delivered in a harsh, dead tone. This wasn't the girl he had left all those years ago. That girl smiled when she saw him, dragging him into her stupid plans. That girl would never use a tone like that with him.

"Khushi--" he was interrupted by her wrenching her arm from his grasp, turning her back to him and speaking in an angry voice.

"Get out of my sight! I don't ever want to see or hear from you again." 

Shocked and not knowing what to do, he decided to leave for now. Walking to the door, he opened it before turning back to her again. When she didn't hear the door close, Khushi turned around and stormed over to him.

She put her hands on his chest and pushed, shoving him outside. "Goodbye Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Don't ever show me your face again."

Shutting the door and trying to ignore the pain she saw in his eyes, Khushi leaned against the closed door. She shut her eyes in pain, no longer holding in the torrent of tears.

Prompts Challenge, ArShi StyleWhere stories live. Discover now