The Beginning

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It was the summer of '09, and I saw my dream man staring at my burger from across the bar. He approached me, still looking down at my burger.

"That's a good looking burger m'lady" He said, licking his plump lips. I felt my ovaries explode. What a gentleman.

"You can have it if you want" I said, I wasn't hungry after seeing what a large sausage I'd be eating tonight. I watched him shove the entire burger into his mouth. I was mesmerized. I had never seen such beauty in my life.

"Are there other things you eat like that?" I asked, hinting at the sex. I was

Undressing him with my eyes, and was excited for the rippling 84 pack that he was hiding under his sexy button up flame shirt.

"Well, I do like pizza" He said, obviously not understanding my reference to eating my warm (and currently moist) vajayjoe. I had to admit, at first it seemed as he was only interested in my food, but I knew in my heart that he was truly interested in me, and not just my $40 vegan cheeseburger.

After he finished my burger, he looked up at me. I couldn't see his eyes through his $1 kiddie glasses but I'm sure his eyes were sparkling like diamonds. He reached up to my ear and pushed my skinny blonde dreadlocks behind my gauged ears. He made me feel so warm inside, like a fresh croissant.

"I like your ear holes" He whispered sensually.

"I like your asshole" I said, things were starting to get spicy, and I loved every moment of it. I wanted his flamey body.

Girl Fieriजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें