Its him but perfect?

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Mariah's POV

I was a little scared that is I saw them they wouldn't give me a second look no one did. I was just a very imperfect girl, I weighed 140, I had a double chin but not cute like Niall's,I was mixed so my hair was very curly like Daniele not straight like most girls most of all I just didn't have that perfect FAKE Directioner body! Maybe I was making the wrong choice by going to find them? Even my mom's boyfriend called me fat, and a wild animal why would any of the boys think any different!

MARIAH DONT THINK THAT! I said in my head.

I just didn't know I what they said in those songs were true. Anyway why would any of them want I date an ugly Directioner when they could date a a rich model. As I hoped off my plane I saw paparazzi I just thought it was some random celeb was having a show there in London. So I went to get my bags and a lovely thick Doncaster accent greeted me..... I knew who it was wright away it was Louis Tomlinson!

CONFUSED*Discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora