Story 1: The Airport

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a/n: each chapter may possibly contain a new time michael has ditched her, but if chapters start becoming long, i will split them into two parts. Some parts will be long, some will be short.

Also, the chapters are set with the band as they are now career wise and not just starting out or further on. Some if not most chapters will be set in LA, I have never been to LA so sorry if I get anything wrong.


Set: 22/03/2016 or 22nd March 2016 (Only because I know some of u switch around the dates)

Alex sat in the airplane seat, the one next to window of course since it was her favourite and always had been since she was little. She travelled a lot with her father due to his job, with her friends on little getaway holidays and on her own when she visited Michael. Her seat 29A was located next to a small girl who was watching Peppa Pig on a iPad and also assumed mother who watched her admiration and ran her fingers through her hair.

Alex and Michael had been together for 1 year and 2 months, which actually had turned out to be her longest relationship even though for her age of 20 was nothing. Usually she now found 15 and 16 year olds being in longer relationships than her, but it didn't bother her. She would rather wait and find the guy who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, and she thought it would be Michael. With Michael being in the band, he was always on travelling and never getting enough time to do the things he wanted, well that was what he said. Michael knew that one day Alex wanted to settle down and have kids, but every time she would bring it up, he tried to avoid the subject. Same went for getting married. Although it annoyed Alex at the time, she soon got over it knowing he didn't want to rush into things so soon due to his career just taking off.

Halfway through the flight Alex was thinking about all the things herself and Michael would be doing whilst in LA during the 3 week break he had. Alex was a complete tourist when it came to visiting places other than London in which she lived in. She would love to go visit museums, sit down for many cups of coffee in small cafe's, walk around and take photos as if it was her first time visiting these places, take spontaneous shopping trips and spend endless amount of money which she would soon regret. It was all part of her kind of fun whereas Michael's was to spend time in a hotel room, order food, have sex, watch a movie, go out to a club and have more sex. Even though their ideas of fun were completely different, they still enjoy the time they have together.

Hours had passed and getting off the airplane after a long 12 hour flight from London to Los Angeles had killed her. Alex soon walked off the plane, on to the shuttle bus and into the airport. As she grabbed her bags of the conveyor-belt, she walked through the arrivals door in hope to find Michael waiting for her like he said he would when they organised the trip. Instead she found herself dumbfounded at the fact he was not there, and only surrounded by other strangers meeting their loved ones.

Alex pulled her suitcase behind as she entered a Starbucks hoping that he would be just running late and stuck in LA traffic. Ordering herself a latte, she took a seat and grabbed her phone from her backpack. Sipping at her drink, she pulled up Michael's contact.

to: michael x

so i'm sat in starbucks

read 3:20pm

from: michael x

that sounds fun babe

received 3:27pm

to: michael x

how far away are you?

read 3:29pm

from: michael x


received 3:31pm

from: michael x


received 3:31pm

from: michael x


received 3:31pm

to: michael x


read 3:32pm

Of course Michael forgot Alex was coming. Yes it bothered her but it didn't bother her as much as it should do, only because she knew he would obviously do something like this but she had every ounce of hope that he would be here.

from: michael x

babe i am so sorry, i fell asleep and completely slipped my mind x

received 3:34pm

to: michael x

no worries, i'll make my own way to the hotel. guess i'll see you soon

read 3:36pm

from: michael x

definitely, love u alex

received 3:40pm, read.

Alex finished off her drink, and headed outside waiting for a taxi to bring her to the hotel she would be staying at with Michael.

"Ms Alex Harvey, over here"

Alex looked to the right to find Ashton leant against his car, arms crossed and smiling. As soon as she saw him, she grinned. A taxi pulled up in front of her, she waved it to the person behind her and jogged over to Ashton pulling her suitcase behind her. She dropped it and hugged him.

"It's been so long! How are you? How did you remember I was coming?!" Alex stated pulling her flannel shirt back up which had made its way down her arm.

"One, I'm good thank you, and two, what do you mean how did I remember? Wait, where is Michael?" Ashton looked just as confused as Alex did and looked behind her.

"What do you mean? He forgot to pick me up, he said he fell asleep" She looked behind her to where Ashton was looking to just find people walking around in a hurry.

"He told me and Luke he was getting a taxi to pick you up about an hour ago and I should come around 4 to get you both"

"Oh, I don't know then, he's not here"

"Then I don't know where he has gone Alex, nevermind, lets get you back to the hotel, you are probably really jetlagged"

Alex laughed, "It feels like I should be getting ready to go to sleep, yet it's only like 4pm here"

"That's timezones for you. Thought you would be use to them by now, you can "

"So did I, but obviously 18 years of being on planes hasn't kicked in yet".

Ashton took Alex's suitcase off her and placed it in the back of his car before clambering into the drivers seat next to Alex and set off, blasting the radio down the LA streets.

Alex pulled out her phone;

to: michael x


read: 4:12pm

and locked it, wondering who Michael had ditched her for, where for and what the new excuse would be.

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