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"You have no idea what kind of trouble you're in, do you?" Oz asked the youngest Rooney as the two walked to the front of the school. wearing orange jumpsuits for detention.

"Parker and I are close. You know, in a middle schooler being a high schooler's friend kind of way. But the kid's smarter than he looks, acts older too. I love the kid and all, but he decided to come to detention, he's gonna have to learn that being the new kid isn't at all great." Oz then looked away at a distance, as if she were watching a flashback, "Ahh, freshmen year."

"What's so bad about detention? At least it isn't pageants." Parker said, causing the two to shiver in fear.

As the two finally made it to the front of the school, people started to crowd around Oz, saying how her prank was one of the best since the one she did in freshmen year. Oz, being Oz, smirked cockily and crossed her arms smugly.

"Line up, detainees." Superintendent Kneebauer, wearing reflective sunglasses, yelled out the people, causing them all to stand.

"Superintendent Kneebauer, you're in charge of detention?" Parker asked the woman in shock and anxious of what was to come because of this. Oz stood in line with everyone, her eyes darting to Dump Truck who stood a few people away from her.

"Oh, yeah, and you're in for a week of hard labor." She said with distaste, pushing a sponge towards him before she called out to everyone, "Listen up, maggots. I want this school to shine. First up, graffiti removal."

Everyone looked back to see graffiti of a truck and the words "Dump Truck was here".

"And we're waiting for what?!" superintendent Kneebauer yelled, causing everyone to scurry away while Oz and the superintendent had a small stare down before Oz walked away.

"Dump truck? What kind of loser calls himself "dump truck"?" Parker asked loudly, causing Oz's eye to twitch in annoyance before she decided to stay quiet.

"Who you calling a loser?" Dump Truck turned to Parker, glaring at the boy.

"It's lovely to meet you, Mr. Dump Truck, sir. I'm a big fan of your work." Parker spoke quickly, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"Listen, noob, I don't know how they do things in middle school, but this here is my detention." Dump Truck started before he pointed to the superintendent, Oz watching them all the while, "That's the boss, but I'm the guy.She lets me say that. We got a little arrangement going on."

Oz let out a small chuckle in amusement at his words before he continued to speak to the Rooney.

"You're gonna do what I say, noob." Dump Truck ordered, "First, you're gonna empty the rat traps out by the dumpster. Then you're gonna empty the roach traps out by the dumpster. And then you're gonna clean the dumpster. Then you're gonna go to the cafeteria and you're gonna make me some nachos." He then rethought his words and spoke again, "Wash your hands after the dumpster."

"Anything's better than being mama's sweet baby boy." Parker insisted, showing a bag from behind him, "Even a bag of dead dumpster rats." The bag suddenly screeched and began to move, "Mostly dead dumpster rats." He dropped the bag when it moved again.

"Hey there, Oz. Saw what you did with the wires and net and all that. Seemed very spectacular." Dump Truck told Oz with a small shy smile on his face.

Just Like Fire ▹ Dump Truck | Liv and MaddieWhere stories live. Discover now