☾chapter four

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"It's so beautiful outside."


"Winter is beautiful."


"Snow is beautiful."


"The snowflakes in your hair and on your eyelashes is beautiful."


"You're beautiful."

"You're extremely handsome."

"Aw, shucks."

She rolls her eyes, planting a kiss on his numbing cheeks.

"Wait a sec, I have to tie my shoe."




Before raising herself from the snow-covered ground, she fills her gloved fingers with snow, patting it into a sphere.



The snowball flies from her hand as a giggle escapes her lips.



"C'mon, slowpoke!"




She dusts the snow from his jacket and rosy cheeks with the tips of her fingers. He gazes down at her, pulling her close as her hands slip away, slipping his lips onto hers.

"We should get back. I'm freezing."



New chapter! Snow is beautiful I miss it :,( so, I'm curious where my readers are from. Comment the country you live in! I live in the US but I'm obsessed with Europe and want to go to the UK soooooo baddddddly. Any of you from there?


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