Still the same (Silva x OC)

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Requested by:@Hirrochi98 

Still the same(Silva x Oc)

"You may not always end up where  you thought you were  going,but you will always end up where you were meant to be".

Its been 20 years since I last saw her.She was always kind to me,she was always cheerul.I wish I could see you again Shiro.


"Ne Silva why do you hangout with me anyways?"Shiro asked.

"Cause youre the only person whos not afraid of me"I said.

"Why would I be afraid of you anyways?"She said as she pats my head.

"I hate it when you do that"I said as I shoved her hands away.

"Oh come on"She said as she push me which cause to out balance.


"Whoops hihihi".

 When I thought we'll be together forever bad things happen.Everything comes to an end.

"Silva help me!!!"She screamed at the top of her lungs.

I just stand there while watching her being slowly tortured.I dont know what to do  I just close my eyes.I dont wanna see any of this anymore.By the time I open my eyes I saw them cut her throat I tried to run towards her but my dad stop me.

"Lets go Silva".


"Silva"He looks at me with cold eyes.

 Shes dead the person who cares about me,my only friend is dead.

Shirogane Kagimari's POV

The assasins were  gone.My cold body starts to feel warm again.I stand up my wounds were healed.I was about to open the door when an assasin saw me.I dodge his every attack the moment he lowered his guard I poisoned him.After I escaped I looked for Silva to tell him the good news but I cant find him.

20 years later Im still looking for him.Then finally I saw him but hes with his family?Wait what?!It is his family.

I waited for the right time to talk to him.I tap his shoulder he look at me with a shock expression.

"Shiro?!I thought youre dead".

I smiled at him"I miss you Silva"I said as I pat his head.

"You know that I hate it when you do that".

I know Silva Ive always known.

"Until we meet again Silva".

20 years later but were still the same.

I hope you guys enjoy this one shot especially the person that requested this  :---)) until next time ja nee.

HxH one shotWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt