You Forgot Something

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"I said I'm gay."

"Oh my god! Why didn't you fucking tell me before all of this happened?"

"What? You thought everyone is straight?"

"Well um, yes."

"Well you thought wrong, Eva."
I tried to look for the door nob through the dark but it turned out that Eva found it first. She opened the door and caused the light of the hallway enter the room.
She left me here in the closet.
At this moment, I could care less if I was late to class. I just wanted time to myself.

I got my phone from my pocket and turned on the flash.
I tried to look for the bucket I was sitting on and sat down.
I felt so bad for what I did and said.
Eva is probably going to tell Josh what happened and probably spread rumors that I'm gay. I needed to say something so she could stop.
Maybe from now on, she will hate me for what I said.
I got on my phone and texted my brother Chris.
I said:
"Hey bro I feel like I'm gonna call mom so she can pick me up from school. I don't feel good"

He later saw my text and left me on read.
I checked the time.
It was only 9:12 a.m. and 2nd block started 8 minutes ago.
I decided to go to class.

I looked through the hallway to see what classes I should pick.
English III
Wait. I hear footsteps approaching towards me.
I looked behind me and in front of me.
I see a man in a white long sleeve shirt with a red tie and black pants.
Could that be the principal?
I don't know but who ever he is, I'm turning back around.

"Hold on."

Oh no. This is it. I'm in trouble on the first day of school.
I stopped and turned around to face the man.
"That will be a demerit young man."
What? Just for being late?
"Um, excuse me sir but I'm new and I don't know what's my next class."
He checks his watch and says:
"And it took you 8 minutes to find your next class?"

"Yes sir. I don't even have my schedule."

"Come with me to the front office. We will get your schedule."

I sat on a chair in the office and waited for the principal (or whatever he is) to come back to give me a schedule.
A few minutes later, he came back with my schedule and handed it to me.
"Welcome to Blakewood High School, Crawford Collins"
I said thank you and left the office. I walked to the high school hallway and looked for my next class.
I have economics next.
Once I found my class, I opened the door but it was locked.
I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it.
Vanessa opened the door and I went inside.
But as she opened the door, I saw her face.
I think I kinda died on the inside.
I smiled at her and said thank you in a soft voice.
The teacher was in front of the classroom writing the lesson on the whiteboard.
"Well hello. You must be Crawford Collins?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh great. Please take a seat right over there please."

She pointed to an empty seat right next to Vanessa.
I sat down and unpacked my backpack.
I put my schedule inside my bag. Then I got out my spiral and my pen.
I opened my spiral to the first page.


I turned to the next page and began to write down the lesson the teacher was writing on the board.

Once the bell rang, everyone left the class.
Even Vanessa.
I turned to where she was sitting.
In her desk was a baby blue binder.
On top of the binder said:
Vanessa Merrell
I grabbed her binder and my backpack and left the classroom.
I walked through the hallway and saw her.
She was at her locker, putting her books up.
I approached to her and said nervously:
"Uhhh.. you forgot something."

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