Chapter 1: The News

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The king had gone back settling in his throne decorated with dull gems which were far from sparkling. The king felt proud of himself, he had no guilty conscience of what he had said or think of his brother and much farther than to think of his brothers feelings. "He had betrayed his own kind! He doesn't deserve mercy! He's a traitor!" The king thought.

He hated his brother with every fiber of his being. "If a traitor was allowed in Evergreen why couldn't every NightMoon just waltz in there without getting caught by a guard or getting yelled at and chased out?!" The king growled in a low and cold tone.

"Master Bursted! I have some great news!" The tabby cat mewed in a gleeful tone as she threw open the door to the throne room without a single knock.

"What is it Crow?" Bursted voice was more of a groan than anything else he would of yelled at his adviser if she had not done this every single day since he had oppointed her his adviser and personal guard. He felt she was up for the job and knew he could trust her above anyone else since he had known her since childhood from training with his mother.

"You know the battle we had today?" She snickered knowing Bursted would be more than pleased.

"Get to the point Crow" Bursted ordered his paw tapping on the throne arm inpatiently.

"Yes sir, your brother is in no shape to do any sort of battle at all! Isn't that great?!" She grinned eagerly at the king.

"Yes of course it is, it's more than just great... we will get revenge on that traitor..." he started laugh almost silently just a pin point of small laughter in the everlasting mind of his ideas for revenge.

"I know sir! This will be amazing! You really are the best king we have had in awhile" she flattered the king being truthful with it, they had barely ever lost a battle, barely losing warriors to fight, being strong and not showing mercy against traitors even if they were NightMoons. With Bursted as king the NightMoons could finally feel once more they had power.

"Now go,I have some planning to do..." he grinned with needle sharp teeth as he thought about many plans to get revenge and catch his brother off guard.

Crow then left with a "Of course sir!" following after her. Now with these claims that Bursted had made about his brother must leave you with many questions, but trust me you will find out very soon of the consequences of the choices he made. Those claims were not out of spite that his brother gets to live in Evergreen trust me thats not it at all.

Bursted sat in his throne writing plan after plan only to find there was a flaw in the idea. Then to crumple it up and angirly throw it on a small pile of papers besides him. Only to rinse and repeat again for hours he sat there unmoving being silent as silent can be with only the occasional angry grumble from a failed idea or the crinckling of paper.

 No one was worried about him locking himself in the throne room everyone knew that he would come out tommorrow or in a few hours without a doubt. So they went on with there daily lives. This was so normal to them they didn't even question what he was doing, planning that was what.

Though Crow sat besides the door patiently waiting for Bursted to come out for she Black Crow! Had to be the best adviser/ guard possible for her king. Even with a lingering sound of yowls and yells from the guard unit celebrating she stood alert and still for her king without question.

Every NightMoon felt victorious after the won the battle there was cries of pure joy and warriors feeling maybe a bit to proud of themselves bragging about how they took down a Evergreen or how they had caught a Evergreen off guard and got a good attack on them. Tonight with news of the Evergreen Prince flooding the streets with people having a small party for it yowling and yelling at the top of there lungs that "they had won!" Or that " We had shown that traitor a lesson he will never forget!" So happily for the NightMoons,

Another battle had been won.

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