Chapter 5:The Adviser

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Bursted was still beaming with pride in his plan. Oh finally he would get revenge sweet, savory revenge. He once gave his brother a chance to show himself worthy of NightMoon kind but he truly he threw that chance straight out the window. Bursted chuckled wasn't it funny how people can betray you even if they've been with you for your entire life? If you trusted them with anything? Bursted hissed at his own train of thought "trust" Oh that wasn't a word he had heard in a long time...

"Even if he was a goodie I never hurt him till he betrayed us that is. Why did I trust him..? HE SHOWED THAT HE WANTED TO BE FREE BY HIMSELF MORE THAN WITH HIS OWN FLESH AND BLOOD!" Bursted yowled gripping the cold stone arms of his throne.

"SIR?! SIR?! Oh... there you are. You nearly gave me a heart attack by the way a you were yelling. Are you okay?" Black Crow mewed in a panic filled tone as she dashed towards the throne room.

"I'm fine Crow." He hissed beetween clenched teeth.

"Your angry about something Sir. Your clenching your teeth are your practically hissing and spitting." Crow replied.

"Fine, yes I'm angry, how can you read my emotions?" Bursted responded a bit creeped out.

"I have know you since you were ten! Of course I know how to tell your emotions and it's plain to tell when your mad. You almost always have embers flicking out of your eyes." Black Crow nodded thoughtfully as she told her King.

"Fine makes sense, I guess" Bursted groaned.

"Yeah! Pa-chow! YA know what time it is?" Black Crow nodded her head as she bounced.

"Dont. You. Dare." Bursted hissed giving his adviser a death stare.

"Oh yes I dare! It's time for, the I'm right dance! Haven't really felt the mood to do this in awhile! Plus it always made you laugh when we were kids." Crow winked at Bursted.

"Well were not kids anymore! How about you say bye bye to that stupid dance and we get on with business!" Bursted mewed annoyed.

"AH! You have broken my heart dear Burst! AHhhhHHhh! Im going to die in five minutes from my dear BrOken! HEART! If I don't get to the I'm right dance!" The adviser mewled faking it and acting dramatic as she put her arm up to her forehead acting like any minute she would fall into the brown cats' lap.

"FINE! DO YOUR CRUMMY DANCE! And don't call me Burst, nobody has called me that since I was a kid." Bursted replied as he got fed up, Black Crow knew doing that sort of thing annoyed Bursted to letting her get what she wanted easy.

"HECK YEAH!" She fist pumped as she started to do stunts around the room,flips,twirls,magic,typical dance moves.

Bursted manage to have a cocky happy-ish smirk on his face. He barely ever truly smiled, he only smiled in a sinister way and this smirk was the only thing Crow was gonna get for a smile today.

"Oh my gosh your smiling! And it's not for defeating your brother and stuff like that!" Crow gasped as she was holding onto the throne arms.

"I'm not smiling I'm smirking." Bursted corrected her before removing her hands from the throne.

"Same thing but come on don't-" Crow was cut off almost immediately.

"DON'T YOU DARE CROW!" The King yowled at Crow.

"-Burst my Bubbles" she smiled knowing it would tick him off.

"Crow get out of my throne room NOW. How dare you make that pun. You know I hate that. You've done that like a million times and you KNOW it ticks me off." Bursted responded lashing out at Crow.

"Eh nah Bursted, I like it here. It's more how do I say it... homey." Crow winked at Bursted.

"Fine if you won't leave I will. Might as well get work done yourself" the brown cat got up from his throne and started to walk out of the room all together.

"I was kidding Sir! Come on I kid you know I kid around with you" she smiled as she elbowed her king grinning all the way.

"May I comment on how I hate when you 'kid' around with me." Bursted sneered.

"Admit it Sir you do!" The adviser responded straight afterwards.

"No I do not." Bursted replied angrily.

"Be honest with yourself Sir!" Crow now knew what she was doing.

"Just stop Crow. I know you can keep things in order and be the best adviser but I must add I know you annoy me on purpose just because you want to." Bursted grumbled back.

"Ya got that right Burst!" Crow now wore a signature cocky half hearted Bursted smirk.

Now with both King and adviser walking off to do there work. Bursted being angirly serious when his adviser tried to make conversation or otherwise know as annoy him half to death he simply responed with what she wanted. Both friends when they were young but one had changed very much since those times.

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