The forbidden ritual part 1.

Start from the beginning

"Please.. no tell me that dream was not real" could they hear Jaden say in a low voice "Please tell me it is not true. Tara please look at me. Tell me it is not true". Tara could feel that Jaden had taken her hand and she knew he was looking at her. Slowly, really slowly, Tara turned her head and looked up at him. She meet his gaze and froze.

"No! Stay away from me" she suddenly yelled and backed away, with pure terror written in her face. She could see her brother's shocked and hurt expression. Tara was shaking. Then she shook her head. In that minute, Tara was sure she had seen golden eyes instead of Jaden's brown eyes. She looked up at him again. For her inner eye, she was really seeing him with golden eyes. Even though she knew he had brown. She shook her head. No, no, no, he is Jaden! Not Haou! He is Jaden! Slowly the image of the golden eyes disappeared, and she could see Jaden as he normally was with chocolate brown eyes. Tara let out a deep breath and got up.

"I.. I need some air.. no water.. fresh water" she just said and rushed quickly away. Why? Why did I do that? Jaden will think I hate him now. That I am a coward. I am pitiful. I am the worst sister ever! However despite that, Tara just couldn't turn around. She just couldn't. Instead she rushed over to the lake she knew was here around. Hoping deep down that Jaden could forgive her.

Jaden's p.o.v.

Jaden was not sure what had happened. Everything had been fine at first. He had just woken up and then wanted to know if his dream had been a reality. He had touched his sister's hand, hoping to be reassured that the dream only had been a dream, but instead the opposite had happened. Tara had yelled at him. She had stared at him, frightened like hell. It was like he was a monster or something. Before he knew it Tara had gotten up and ran away, to who knows where.

"Tara?!" Jaden yelled a little confused and hurt at the same time. Zane sighed.

"I will go get her" He replied "It is time we talked anyway". Then Zane marched away and left Jaden even more confused. Then it hit him. Haou, I.. we.. what if that dream was not just a dream. Jaden froze. He had seen some few other pictures before he had woken up. Tara and Haou... did that really happen too? Jaden let out a cry and placed his head in his hands. Please, let it not be true! I haven't hurt my own sister.

"Jaden are you okay?" asked Syrus slowly. Jaden looked up at his best friend.

"Syrus.. is it true? Did I.. sent Jim and Axel to the stars?" He questioned slowly "Was I alias Haou doing all that stuff?". Like Tara, Syrus looked away, giving Jaden the answer he didn't want to hear, but knew was true. Jaden let out a cry again.

"It wasn't a dream" Jaden then said slowly. He felt so upset and depressed now "It was all real. I sended them away and hurt my sister. How.. how could I do that?!".

"Easy now Jaden" said Aster slowly "You were the supreme king's puppet. The darkness inside you took control". Jaden let out a cry and shook his head.

"No, I let him take over, because I was weak" He said slowly "I was selfish and alone. He was just there and well he fulfilled my wish. My selfish wish. Everyone just disappeared on me and well I couldn't bear the pain. I wished that I never would get that hurt ever again. Haou tried fulfilling it, but I didn't know how he was gonna do it. If I had known I would never had gone to him". Jaden let out a cry again.

"Jaden, what are you talking about? Gone to him? What is it about the king?" Ember said and placed a worried hand on his shoulder. Jaden sniffed and looked up.

"After Syrus and you Ember left. Haou appeared and we made a deal" Jaden said slowly "Then I found out who he was. When the king told me his name I hesitated. Therefore he gave me day to think about it. To join him I mean. My heart was aching and even though Jim and Axel returned to me, my heart was still aching so much. I didn't have Tara with me either. I felt alone and Haou's offer was tempting, so that night I left..".

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