The forbidden ritual part 1.

Start from the beginning

"Tara are you okay?" could she hear a voice ask, and saw Zane look at her. Tara looked down at the ground. She may had been up and running for a whole day, but no one seemed to notice her silence mood. That until now. Tara did understand why though. Zane and Aster had first recently arrived here, after been on hunting for food. Ember was busy taking care at Jaden and was sometimes spacing out. Tara figured she had stuff to think about, and Syrus had been the scout. However now that Zane and Aster were back, Zane instantly noticed her changed mood. She could see him stare at her all the time, but surprisingly he didn't go near her, which Tara was grateful for. She needed time to herself. Secondly she was a little afraid to face him. She still could remember the time in the village, where she had walked over to Haou. Zane must think she was such a coward.

"Mell, mell" she could hear her spirit marshmallow say. It was cuddling in her chest, glad to finally be with her again. The spirits hadn't been able to show because of Haou's influence. Tara sighed and patted her loyal friend. It reminded her of the two decks who was packed in her backpack. Jaden's deck was back to normal and placed in his own bag. The one Jaden used as pillow right now. However Tara had found out that Haou had copied card from Jaden's deck, so some of the cards Tara had was a copy of her brother's. She still had her old deck, but Tara was not sure what to do with the decks. Right now she refused to touch them. Dueling was the last thing on her mind. She sighed a little and patted Marshmellow again. She looked over at Jaden. She could see Winged Kuriboh hovering above him. The little furball was worried about his master and friend. She decided to walk over to them. She noticed everyone's eyes were at her. She figured they were watching her since they were worried about her. She knelled beside Jaden and took her hand.

"Jaden, please open your eyes soon" she whispered "I miss you". She could see Ember look at her with a smile and moved a little away from her, so she could have a little privacy with Jaden. If she wanted of course. Tara actually didn't care. Looking at Jaden, made her heart ease quite a bit. He was Jaden, her beloved brother. He was not Haou. He would never be. She would make sure of that now.

"Tara" she could hear Jaden suddenly mumble and he turned around in his sleep. Tara wondered what was wrong. She figured he had a bad dream or something.

"Wah!" Jaden suddenly yelled up and flew up from the bed and was gasping for air. Tara looked stunned at him. She didn't think he would wake up that quickly.

"Are you okay Jaden?" she could hear Zane say, and actually sended her and Jaden one of his rare reassuring smiles.

"I.. I am not sure" replied Jaden while calming down. "I just had the scariest dream".

"No kidding, you woke up screaming" Aster replied with a smirk. Jaden looked confused around. Tara figured he hadn't a clue where he was. However right now she didn't care. She tossed herself at her brother's chest and gave him the biggest hug she ever could give him, which made him tumble backwards. Winged Kuriboh and Marshmellow joined seconds later.

"Ahr, Marshmellow, Kuriboh, I am also happy to see you" Jaden replied and moved Marshmellow from his face "But give me some space I.. Tara!". He broke his own sentence when he finally had moved Marshmellow and Kuriboh from his face. Tara moved a little away to give him the space he wanted.

"Tara" Jaden said again and this time he gave her the biggest hug he could ever give "Oh Tara, I thought something terrible had happened to you". Tara grinned.

"Why? You know I am pretty tough" she said and hugged him back.

"I know but I had this dream and.. well you collapsed and Jim and Axel got sent to the stars" He replied and let go of her "I thought something terrible had happened". By these words everyone at the camp tensed. Tara turned her head away again. Those dreadful memories of Jim and Axel dying. Both of them sacrificed themselves to save Jaden from the king.

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