Night # 6

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Twitch Twitch

Kayami's eyebrow was twitching with annoyance and barely contained you must be wondering why she was annoyed and angry. The reasoning is very simply and that reason why is because Kouen seemed to be a mood to harass and bully her.

Not the sort of attention that she had wanted to receive from him and she wasn't a masochist into taking enjoyment from this sort of attention.

"You're boring me...where's those sharp tongue responses that you normally give to the Oracle when he bullies you?" He had heard the conversations between her and Judar, which always end in Kayami yelling at him.



"Well excuse me for being boring!" Kayami said as she flips a table over...luckily one that was empty otherwise Kouen wouldn't have been too happy if she flipped the one that he was at. "But what the hell is wrong with you today?! You've been out of character since this morning and no offense, I want the normal stoic Kouen back!! Actually offense was intended! Because you're pissing me off!"

She ended that rant by pointing her index finger at Kouen and poking his chest as she glared at him. Kouen has a smirk on his face as he calmly stares up at Kayami, his household members were silently watching from the sidelines...this wasn't a new scene to them because Kayami always ended up yelling at Kouen for angering her in some form or another. In fact, this was their cue to leave before she started throwing things...they didn't want to be caught in the sidelines of her intense and rarely seen anger but they will be outside as they waited until she calmed down. Kayami wouldn't harm Kouen or his siblings during these bouts of anger but it didn't mean that anyone else or anything was safe from her.

"My, my what a short temper...I can see why you haven't married yet," Kouen said.

"Shut your mouth!" Kayami yelled. "My not being married isn't a part of this so don't bring it up!" Her cheeks were now red with embarrassment mixed in with anger.

"Oh? I think it should be brought up since every time I see you, you're always yelling," Kouen said smoothly.

"And who do you think always triggers that yelling?! Uh?!" Kayami asked. "Because let me just say this! It's not your siblings!" She was really getting pissed off now and Kouen seemed to be enjoying winding her up.

"You better calm down, Kayami, or you'll pop a blood vessel...or give yourself a heart attack."

"And we'll know who to blame if I do, won't we?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"The hell you don't!"

"Such language...are you sure you're a Princess?"

"Drop dead!"

"Is that any way to talk to your King?"

"King'? Ha! All I see is a bully and a tyrant!" Kayami said huffing and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sometimes I wonder why I keep you around..."

"Because life here will be boring without me and you're siblings will miss me!" Kayami snapped. "And let's not forget the fact that we don't have a choice in that matter either! Otherwise I would have been packed and on my way back home by now!"

She shook her fist at him, glaring at him.

Kouen smiles at her then and she twitched and back away, afraid and calm never bode well for her whenever he smiled. It always meant that he was going to do something she wasn't going to like.

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