Night # 1

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A woman walked by a group of nobles and they watched her as she walked further away from them then they jerked in surprise and fear when the older man that had been following several feet behind her also walked by them...he had glared them down as he passed them.

And once they had turned a corner the noblemen put their heads together and started to whisper.

"I see they had returned from their mission." the first nobleman said.

The second nobleman looked at him and said, "I thought they'd be long for several months..."

"No, apparently the General Commander had summoned them back here for some reason." The third nobleman said.

Meanwhile the woman and man appeared before a large ornate door, which was opened by the guards stationed outside the door. They walked in and kneeled before the man seated at the long table inside the room.

"You summoned us back?" The woman asked as she lowered her head.

Kouen looks over at her and says, "Yes...I want you to remain here, my sister and brother has been nagging about when you are returning." There was a pause and then. "But I trust that the mission that I had sent you now was finished before my command got to you, Kayami and Kaisei?"

The woman, Kayami, inclines her head and said, "Of course, Prince always, I get the job done."

The older man, Kaisei, doesn't reply, he simply remains silent and allows his princess do the talking.

"Excellent," Kouen said with a smirk. "You may go, I am sure you want to see my younger siblings."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Kayami said as she and Kaisei stand up and walk out of the room. But when they left the room, they separated to go down different paths. Kaisei to clean his weapon and armor while Kayami went to find Kougyoku and Kouha. 

The prologue is short...and yes, the name of the fanfic is taken from that song...I really loved that song ^^

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