Car Rides

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This one is really short. Less than 500 words. Anyways enjoy your Brandy Smut

"Can you drive any faster?" Brie groaned for the 50th time, angering Randy to his last limit.

The two had been driving to the next city for a live event because Brie thought it would be a fun idea to sit in a car for 6 hours instead of going on an airplane. Randy had of course said no when Brie brought up the idea, but Brie kept annoying him until he said yes. Now both of them regretted their decision.

Every 5 minutes, Brie would ask the same questions like, "are we there yet?" and "can you hurry up the fuck up" and it really made Randy as angry as a thunder storm.

"Are we even close?" Brie moaned once again.

"Okay listen can you please stop moaning and groaning every ten seconds. I did not tell you we had to drive this was your idea and you are being an annoying little bitch." Randy snapped.

"Well I'm not the one driving like a crippled old grandma!" Brie shot back. Randy didn't reply, he just pulled over and got out of the car.

"Oh great now we're never going to make it there" Brie muttered to herself when suddenly her car door was flung open and Randy crawled on top of her.

"What the fuck are you-"

Brie didn't get to finish her sentence as Randy smashed his lips onto hers. Randy's fingers cascade into Brie's panties and rub against Brie's wet clit, making Brie moan into the kiss.

"Ah so that's what you wanted. Why didn't you just say so?" Randy teased. Randy pulled down Brie's skirt and panties and reclined Brie's chair and sunk to his knees so that Brie's pussy was right in front of him.

Brie shivers as she feels Randy's warm breath against her core. He smirked, placing a small kiss to her inner thighs before slipping his wet muscle into Brie's pussy, sending a wave of pleasure through Brie. Her hips rocked up against Randy's mouth as he began letting his tongue work his magic, roaming all around Brie's entrance.

"Fuck yes, there, just like that." Brie moaned, pushing Randy's head farther inside of her. Randy began to suck hard, ravaging her bundle of nerves as if he was really trying to eat Brie; his teeth slightly dug into her flesh, nibbling her clit hungrily.

He continued to flick his tongue, and with one more suck on Brie's inner lips, he had her body racking with shockwaves, clenching her thighs around Randy's neck in hopes of pulling him closer to her core. He kissed her clit once more and his head rose from between Brie's legs, smirking devilishly as he licked her juices off of his lips while holding gaze. Brie'd become a red faced, panting mess just because Randy used his mouth.

"I can't believe we just did that" Brie pants, not completely over her nerve-racking orgasm.

"We could do it again. I'm always ready to go another round" Randy smirks

"You're on, Orton"

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