Not long before the doorbell rang, me and Kat went to get it.

Katrina opened the door, revealing Beth and Jacob. Kat grimaced before closing the door.

We cracked up while walking back to the pool.

"Who was it?" Tyler asked.

"Oh just Jake and Beth" I said still laughing. "Kat opened the door, saw it was them, pulled a face and then closed the door."

They all bursted out laughing, Hunter laughed to hard he fell off his air bed thingie. Causing all of us to laugh even louder.

We were playing that game where you go on each others shoulders and try to push the other off.

It was me and Hunter VS Liv and Tyler, with Liv as referee.

We had a great time until Jake and Beth walked out of the house.

"How did you guys get in?" Hunter questioned.

"Dude you gave me a key." Jacob said, giving him an are-you-kidding-me look.

Hunter put his hands up in surrender. Liv and I went back to fighting. Beth just try to tan her pale as sh*t skin. And will probably look like a lobsters soon.

After a two hours or so we got out and put on our clothes. We all sat in the living room, discussing which movie we wanted to watch.

I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a drink. When I was about to walk back someone grabbed my arm. I looked up to see Jacob staring down at me.

I ripped away my arm, strutted to the living room and sat down.

A few seconds later Jacob sat beside me.

"What's wrong, Skittle?" He put an arm around my shoulders.

"Don't call me that!" I hissed before shrugging his arm off.

"Wtf is your problem!?" He asked getting fed up.

"YOU!" I nearly shouted, " You are my problem."

"Me!? What in the world did I do!?" He stood up.

"Well maybe, bailing on me, ignoring me today." I stood up too. "Oh and still coming to me at night like you didn't just bang a walking STD!"

"I didn't ignore you." He retorted.

"Yeah sure." I felt the need to speak Moluccan get bigger.

That always happens when I get mad. I'll just scream at you in different languages.


"apa yang tak kena dengan awak?! Pertama anda bertindak semua bagus dan kemudian anda bertindak seperti anda tidak mengenali saya. bodoh bipolar" I screamed back.

(what is wrong with you?! First you act all nice and then you act like you don't even know me. Bipolar idiot!)


"Fine, I'll just do it inSpanish!?" I answered.

"¡¿Qué te pasa?! En primer lugar se actúa muy agradables y luego actuar como si ni siquiera me conoces . idiota bipolar"

(Means the same)

"No te lo ignoro ! ¡Me ignoraste! Y si alguien es un idiota bipolar , es usted!" His accent really thick.

Sharing an hospital room with the badboy. <Completed>Where stories live. Discover now