Nico and Blank Message

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, c’mon, let’s go to my room.” I told him as I started to walk up the stairs.

“Uhh.. you mean, my room.” Nico said. That made me stop and look back at him.

What?” I asked/demanded. Just then my mom’s voice shouted.

“Oh, Percy, I forgot to tell you! Nico’s staying with us and he’s using your room. You can sleep in the couch, honey.”

                                My eyes widened. Half happy, and half something else.

“Why does he have to get my room…” I whined. “can’t he sleep on the couch.” Then my mom walked in and glared at me.

“Now, where are your manners? When someone is staying at your house, you need to be hospitable! This is not hospitable, Percy! What have I taught you!”

“Fine, mom! I’ll sleep at the couch. C’mon, Nico. Let’s go to your room.” I huffed. Both of them smiled as I rolled my eyes.

“Gladly.” He said. Then we walked up stair to my- excuse me- his room.

                                By now, Nico was sitting on my bed*er, his bed*, with his back against the headboard, and me sitting comfortably at my chair.

“So, why exactly are you exactly late? I mean, you are Percy, but, you know, just curious.” He said.

“I was supposed to be here at 4:00. But I stayed at Annabeth’s a little longer.” I explained. “And what do you mean ‘You are Percy’ ?!” I demanded. He chuckled.

“Nothing, man. Nothing.” He said. I rolled my eyes. A hobby that I caught from Annabeth.

                                The next few hours, we were just talking, chilling, fooling around, you know, the stuff that teenage guys do. Then mom called us for dinner.

“Percy, Nico! Dinner’s ready!” she shouted from down stairs.

                                With that, Nico and I raced down stairs. You may not know this, but Nico eats a lot. Well, he eats like a normal teenage guy. Same thing. He doesn’t show it, though. Except when he’s here. He LOVES mom’s cooking.

“Ha! You’re getting slow Di-Angelo!” I said as my foot step the end of the stairs. I turned around to look at Nico, but he wasn’t there. I then walked in the kitchen to find him, sitting at my place,, smiling at me. I glared at him.

“Cheater!” I accused him as I sat down across him. He just smiled at me while Paul and mom just laughed and rolled their eyes.

-----LINE BREAK-----

                                When we finished eating, I volunteered to wash the dishes. With Nico, of course.

“But, I don’t wanna wash dishes, Percy!” he whined. I actually laughed at that. He acted like a kid. He glared at me.

“No, you have no choice.” I said. He sighed.

“Fine.” . He knows, I’d find a way to make him do it, anyway. I smiled.

                                When we finished, Nico was head to toe wet, while I am completely dry. We walked out of the kitchen, with Nico glaring at me.

“Perseus Jackson! What did you do!” my mom growled. I sent a silent prayer to my dad. “ Oh poor Nico. Are you alright?”

                                I looked at my mom wide-eyed, as she walked towards Nico and began pampering him. And Nico was acting like a poor abused kitten!

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