New Recruits

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(Mine's POV)

⠀⠀⠀⠀I stood among the other members of Nightraid, completely zoned out as we waited for our orders. Well, MOST members I should say, because we were still waiting for Leone and... Tatsumi. Ugh. He just randomly walked in one day and suddenly he was a member of Nightraid! That was Leone's fault, and I still hold that grudge against her. I mean, I suppose he was strong enough to last even a second in a fight with Akame, so I guess that says SOMETHING... but it's still unfair! Whatever, though. There are obviously more important things going on right now. Najenda, our leader, enters the room.

⠀⠀⠀⠀She begins, "Nightraid... I'm sure that after the recent events involving the Revolutionary Army, you are all equally aware that Esdeath is by no means up any good. That is why we must bring her to her end! Should anyone stand in your way, KILL THEM, TOO!" Her shouts echoed throughout the building. As if by some chance someone heard her, footsteps raced toward our location- a sure sign of Leone and Tatsumi's return. When they walked in, Najenda frowned upon them and questioned, "and just where the hell where the two of you?" Leone put her arm around Tatsumi and explained that she was giving the 'newbie' a tour. The boss gave a glance of acknowledgement and then walked out of the room. Akame left as well and nobody else was really listening to Najenda, so it was kind of up to me to fill everyone in. Even when I did, Leone and Tatsumi were fooling around, so I had to reiterate it for them more than once.

⠀⠀⠀⠀"So what is it that we have to do again," Leone asked after finishing laughing so hard. I replied, slightly annoyed, "We have to kill General Esdeath!" Leone smiled and nodded, but Tatsumi looked confused, almost worried. "Uh... Esdeath?" (I know he was hinting at the request for me to explain, but I wanted to avoid him as much as I could.) All I did was shake my head and start to walk away, with Leone following close behind. He whispered a faint "Oh..." under his breath. He seemed afraid of me. Not that I blame him, I'd be scared of myself too if I were him...

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