~Chapter 92: Fits and Smiles~

Start from the beginning

"Obviously. What is going on in here?"

"There's been an outbreak of dysentery among one of the groups of refugees," Adam answered. "The children and elderly are being hit the worst, but I haven't seen a case this bad in quite some time. I can't turn them away, I need the Ambassador's bed, and frankly he's recovered enough to have his own room and check-ins."

"Are you sure?" Kalysta countered. "I won't have you taking chances with his health."

"I'm sitting right here, K-Princess." Zayn's voice was slightly irritated. "You can talk to me. And if you were to ask me I'd say I'm feeling much better and that I would like to leave to make room for someone who needs immediate care more than I." He coughed, in opposition to his statement.

"Are you sure?" Kalysta directed the question to him now.

"I'd get better sleep in my own room," he added. "This place is a bit boisterous." His expression was an earnest plea to which she couldn't say no.

"I suppose it'd be alright," she relented.

Adam snorted. "I'm so glad you agree with my decision."

"Enough talk," she retorted. "What will this take? What's the best way to move him?"

"I would suggest a covered litter."


"Have you any idea the sentiment toward the Ambassador at this moment?" he asked.

"No," she answered quickly. "Have you?"

"No, but I would guess that while his position, loyalties, and role in the future remain uncertain that we shouldn't broadcast how weak he is," Adam pointed out.

"I would like to protest the use of the word weak," Zayn chimed in.

"You can't walk," Adam reminded him.

"It's fine," Kalysta assured Zayn, running a hand over his soothingly. "You'll take your proper time to heal, however long that may be."

"Then a covered litter for him?"

"I don't think we have something of that manner," she confessed. "We'd have to fashion one."

"Didn't Royals generally get carried around in those at one point in time?"

"Not for several generations now. I've heard of them, seen them in paintings, but that's about it."

"Think there may be some stored somewhere?"

"It's doubtful." Kalysta crossed her arms. "What of the wheeled chairs? I've seen several of the older leaders of nobility going about in them when their joints don't let them walk much anymore. That would be a less dramatic and far faster way to move him."

"Do you know of one noble who would be willing to part with theirs for now?" Adam asked skeptically. "I treat some of them for their joint pains and they are not exactly understanding or accommodating."

"Maybe not if you asked," Kalysta agreed, "but they can't exactly deny their Princess Heir if she wants something."

"Whatever it takes."

"Is that really necessary?" Zayn rasped. "We haven't really tried me walking. Perhaps I can manage it with some help."

Kalysta opened her mouth, but the physician beat her to the rejection of that option.

"Absolutely not, Ambassador," he said. "A move is already going to cause you stress, pain, and extreme fatigue. We're not relying on your limbs without being sure of their status."

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