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A rose.

Simple as that.

Hidden behind my ear, under my hair.

It began to tingle just after my seventeen birthday. It was barely noticeable at first, but then it became unbearable. It would burn and itch nonstop. I knew that my mate was near and what once seemed like the only thing I had to look forward too now seemed like the most terrifying thing on earth.

I go to school everyday in hopes that he or she will walk in and save me from a test or I'll close my locker and they'll be standing there.

Clearly, that has yet to happen.

Summer is my best and only friend at school.

We tell each other pretty much everything, except for the private things between she and her mate. I did for a long time dislike Jonathan, or Joe, as many people call him. He was too controlling and followed her around like a shadow. I now understand that he was just being a good Alpha.

When I get to school, I always meet Joe and Summer by Sum's locker and then we go to homeroom.

Today was different though.

I still met Summer and Joe by Summer's locker and she gave me a blueberry muffin while her and Joe shared their donut holes, but it felt different.

"Did you here about Nelson?"

I looked up from my muffin, raising a brow. "No, why?"

This school  wasn't usually one for trouble so it was interesting to here something actually worth talking about, going on.

"He got pissed and picked a fight with a couple of stricts."

My eyes grew wide. "Isn't he still in a leg cast from his last time at that place?"

Joe nodded his head, his expression similar to mine. I shook my head.

"Sam was never the sharpest grape on the vine, ya know."

I grew up next door to Sam Nelson. We lived on the same street up until a few months ago when his dad lost his job and his mum turned into a full time junkie. They lost their house and now Sam lives with his cousins. It was sad to see such a notable family fall to pieces in front of the town's eyes.

Pulling my attention away from Sam and his stupidity, I began pulling out my books for my morning classes. School wasn't my favorite thing in the world but my parents made sure that I knew it was important. That being said,  I take school very seriously.

"I'm gonna get going. See you guys whenever." Summer and Joe rarely ever make it to homeroom due to their need to fuck in every janitors closet that this place has. I just hope that they're being safe.

The walk to my first period class wasn't far but I felt uneasy as I passed through the empty halls. I tugged down the sleeves of my pastel rainbow jumper, making sweaterpaws with my hands. My mark began to burn, the pain becoming more unbearable the closer I got to the door.

Get a grip, Elliott!

Whoever it was, they were near.

I pulled on the door handle, prepared to deal with the pain for a little while longer, but lately nothing is going as planned. A small electric shock jolted through my fingertips making me yank my hand away from the handle. I looked down and inspected my hand, unsure of what just happened.

Elliott [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now