04: all of the stars

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all of the stars- ed sheeran

liam, louis, zayn, and niall all piled into codie's tiny little car, liam, louis, and niall practically sitting on each other in the back seat. she told the four boys about the alleyway she always dropped harry off at with his bag full of spray paint. she never questioned why he went there, because he would always shut down and stop speaking when she asked about it.

it was around dusk, so the sun was setting around them, making niall lose hope. the day was almost over, so just another day that his love was left alone out there. the guilt ate away at him for not trying harder and for not looking every single day. he hated himself for not contacting the police. he mostly hated himself for how cowardly he was. he was too scared to look. he was too scared to call the police. he was scared while his love was going through god knows what. 

while niall was wrapped up in his train of thought, he did realize that the car had stopped until he felt his shoulders fall back into place and was able to lean away from the car door. liam and nudged him on his way out. "you coming?"

niall looked up to his best friend, hope in both of their eyes, and he pushed his guilt into the back of his brain. there was no time to grieve or feel guilty, there was only time left to find harry. his harry.

the five of them had all trudged through the entire alleyway, walls and walls of graffiti around them. niall looked for that signature of harry's, but couldn't spot it anywhere. anything from a very detailed dragon to a family of four were on these walls; no sign of harry whatsoever. 

"any luck?" louis shouted back to everyone.

"not so far," liam shouted back.

niall sighed. this wasn't going anywhere. he had no idea why they kept trying. they needed to look around town. it was too late to call the police; he was taken almost a year ago. niall never let go of his hope. codie's story is his last string of hope left. he needed his harry.

he wiped away tears and rubbed underneath his nose, thinking of the memories they shared. from their first date at the bowling alley to their little arguments over which mexican restaurant is better to eat at for dinner. from the short calls made just to say 'i love you' to their hours-long facetime chats. niall missed everything. everything from how harry scrunches up his nose to keep from smiling, to his real laugh where his mouth completely opened up and a deep cackle left from his lips. niall missed coming home from work and having to scold harry for leaving his dumb boots in the middle of the doorway, or when he worked late nights to see a cup of sleepy tea sitting on the counter with a little note saying "i know you'll need this. i love you, angel. -h." his missed waking up to harry's mop of greasy hair laying on his pillow and poking his cheek until he finally agreed to get out of bed and wash it. he missed harry coming home from the tattoo parlor and him standing in the corner of the kitchen, his arms crossed and shaking his head, but still smiling because he secretly loved his tattoos. harry always insisted niall get one as well, but he was too big of a baby to do so. niall had gotten a kitten for him birthday and still to this day smiled when he pictures the smile on harry's face when he had given it to him. niall remembered coming home and always saying "such a small animal for such a large man" because he knew it made harry happy. niall remembers picking out decorations to put around their house when harry found a sign that said 'home' to put over their bed since he couldn't put on niall. niall was his home, and he's been far from home for too long. he needed to come back. he had to.

everyone stopped everything they were doing when they heard a door to the building they were standing by open up. an older man with log, blonde, straw-like hair walk over to them. "what are ya looking for, folks?" he asked as he walked over. niall could see he was a very short man, even shorter than himself, and that he had a beer belly on himself.

liam walked over and coughed into his fist, "we're looking for some art by hunter star. have you ever heard of his work?"

he man looked stunned, "have i ever heard of his work? of course! everyone with a television has heard of hunter star's work. he's the biggest modern artists right now. i saw him down here the other day, what a lovely guy he is, and he said he had just finished up a message on the wall all the way back there," his large hand curled into a fist with one finger extended towards the end of the alleyway, the portrait too far away to be seen. the unknown man lead them back there to show them what he was talking about. he sure wasn't wrong, harry's signature was right at the bottom of the picture. the picture was of him and niall's bedroom, the navy blue duvet over the brown wood of the bed frame, the 'home' sign right above it. the window in the corner was white, exactly like the one in their bedroom. the drapes were opened, the night sky full of stars revealed. right underneath the masterpiece was the words:

all of these stars will
guide us home


omg I'm so sorry that it took almost two months for this, but I finally have it up. I saw three accounts added this to their reading list and that I ad hit 100 reads (omg I'm still shocked) so when I noticed that I had more readers I thought I should really update. hopefully this update was worth the wait. I'm gonna be out of school starting June 4th, but I do have a very busy summer because I have summer school and a job, so hopefully I will update more often. I really like where this story is going and I have so many ideas so I really hope that I can find time to update. thank you everyone for taking time out of your day for actually checking your wattpad updates.

thanks for reading.


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