Chapter 5

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I slammed my car door shut, and texted my manager to get me a plane ticket home. Right now with all this shit in my life I really needed a trip home.


The plane landed around 7:30. As I dragged my bags over to my mom, it felt as if all my energy had been drained from me.

"Baby cakes mama has missed you so darn much!" My moms thick county accent filled my ears. God I missed her so much.

She hugged me tightly and grabbed my bags ",your daddy parked the car right around the corner."

"Thanks mom," I smiled brightly. As soon as I saw my dad I ran into his welcoming arms.

"I missed you so much daddy" I whispered as if I was still a little girl. What can I say, I'm daddy's little princess.


After an amazing dinner of mashed potatoes, chicken, peas, and biscuits I was stuffed. "Mom I think your trying to make me fat" I joked playfully.

"Well you could use a little more meat on you" mom smiled.

A few minutes later we were sitting on my bed. "Honey I know you didn't come here because you just missed us, why don't you tell me what happened" my mom was sweat tone, it basically got me to do anything she wanted.

"Oh mama" I burst out crying and hugged my pillow pulling it close to my chest.

She drew circles on my back trying to calm me down "I know sweat pea...I know."

'What is wrong with me I've never cried this much in my life'

Sitting up straight and putting on my serious face caused a laugh to escape my mom. "You have always been a stubborn one Taylor, never forget that your dad and I love you and are very proud."


The plane flight home was long and boring. As soon as I was able to check my phone I realized my agent Aubrey called me 7 times.

Quickly I dialed her number.

'Taylor I've been trying to reach you for days' -Aubrey

'I know, but I needed some time alone. I'm sorry for the inconvenience' -Taylor

'So what did you need to tell me so bad' -Taylor

'Well the one direction situation is getting you a lot of attention, and you've been offered to do a reality TV show with them in London!' -Aubrey

'No hell no I'm not going to do that....' -Taylor

'Think about all the perks honey you get paid around 1 million, great publicity, not to mention you get to live in London for a couple years' -Aubrey

Years? I can barely be in the same room as them for 20 minutes.

'Please Taylor just try it.....' -Aubrey

I thought about it for a moment 'I guess I could try it' -Taylor

'Ok great!' -Aubrey

God what was I getting myself into.


Harry's Pov

Katherine had some big surprise for us today. Great.

As I sat down on the couch next to Louise I stuffed a banana into my mouth. I could never get enough bananas. They were Gods gift to mankind.

All the boys gathered around inside our living room awaiting Katherine's arrival. "I wonder what the surprise is" Niall asked

"I don't know but if this surprise is just a load of crap I'm going to be pissed" I mumbled.

The door clicked and in walked Katherine "hello boys!"

"Hi" Liam apparently was the only one not annoyed about this.

"So I'm just going to cut to the chase...Taylor swift is moving to London to do a reality TV show with you!" Fuck did she really just say that. Where's the happy April fools? Wait it's not April, shit.

"Are you fucking with us" I asked hate leaking from my voice.

"No Harry it will really benefit you guys. Anyway everyone else seems to be fine with it." She smiled trying to make me calm down.

That was all it took for me to blow my head off "fine let that bitch come... But don't expect me to be nice.

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