Chapter 2

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"Unwanted Visits"

It was five thirty in the afternoon by Friday when Noland decided to drop the report files from the police that involved their new client. The case was all over the news; Crown Towers' owner, Howard Crown, got caught in a fight with the manager of his stellar restaurant right in front of their building for anyone to see. It involved several broken windows on many guest's cars and also a crying wife caught cheating. Crown didn't take well to see his ever charming woman being too friendly with the manager he hired himself to lead their renowned restaurant. And by being too friendly, it meant kissing each other without reservations on the back seat of a car. No one dared to break them apart until the police arrived. By then there were so many damages it was hard to just let them both slip away uncharged.

Noland and his team managed to gather enough information on the wife's infidelity, which would ensure their client's success on getting their pre-nup agreement Invalidated. There were now charges against him too for the physical damages he made on Gerard Pelletier, the French manager Chef who stole the Crown's wife. And also many other damages that exceeded anyone's imagination as to the expenses of the men's grand fight. This was not an easy case, they had to make their client look good and his claim to fame was exactly the opposite; something both witnessed in person when they met him. He was happy Gregory took in hand the part of dealing with the press, and the PR department of the Firm joined them to help minimize the damage on their client's public image.

He put the police file into his briefcase with the idea of giving it another look later while he made dinner. Everyone at the office left at four thirty, the closing time during Friday's, so he wasn't surprised when he walked out of his new office and saw most of the floor was quiet and in the shadows. He made sure his door was locked, as per new company policy, and headed towards the elevator.

While he was waiting, the idea of calling his friend for a drink went through his mind, but a loud crash of something made of glass being broken drew his attention. He saw light at the end of the left side of the floor, where the meeting room was, and carefully headed that way. Another crash of breaking glass made him rush to the doors that were already slightly open. He only stopped an inch before opening it completely.

"You owe me a chance, Cat... you need to give me the opportunity to redeem myself..."

He knew that was Byron, he had known him for over a decade.

"I will say this one last time, Byron. Leave this building, and don't ever contact me again. You have almost ruined my father's reputation by abusing your power and this firm's resources. You made enough mistakes to write a book. You don't deserve any chance at all. You ruined everything my father and I worked hard to achieve!"

And that was Catherine Galloway, he only heard her talk once, but her voice was engraved in his mind. Another broken glass made him peek. "Stay away from me Byron, don't you dare touch me." Catherine's voice made him frown.

He found himself clenching his hands into fists as he saw Byron slowly approaching her around the desk, she had already thrown every sharp and heavy object at her reach, and now she only had a small sand clock left in her hands, aiming at the man.

"Cat... baby..." The sweet tone in which Byron said those words made Noland cringe. He didn't know why but it upset him. It also made him think that perhaps he should turn around and leave, as there should be some kind of relationship going between them for him to use those words.

As he began to step away from them, he heard another loud crash and stopped. "Don't come any closer Byron... There are only so many ways I can say this to you... stop!"

In a matter of seconds, he pushed the door open wide and caught sight of Byron holding Catherine's both wrists and a large nail trail on his face. Rage surged through him, as he never felt before. "Get the hell away from her McLane!"

The Flaws in Our Hearts - ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora