Chapter 2⃣6⃣

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Selenas POV

We rushed into the hospital and soon ushered into a room. Well me and Sophie were. Eric Of course threatened them to let him in. But soon understood he needed to be with the girls and Mars.

"AHHH! MAWMMYYY! PWEASE! NOOOOOOWA!" Sophie continued screaming as they stitched her forehead.

"Sophie, baby, please, stop moving. Its going to be over soom. Stop crying my love," i whispered as she squeezed my hands tighter and hustled to get to me.

She began screaming louder and I new soon she'd pass out if they didn't get this over with.

"Please, doctor. Hurry," i asked slowly as Sophie begged to let me hold her.

She twisted and turned until the doctor said she could sit on my lap. As she sat on my lap she began breathing normally but soom began screaming as he did her stitches.


"Almost dome," the doctor stated.

"OIIIIIII! AHH!" My heart twisted.

"Okay, done," with that the doctor quickly put a large bandaid on her stitches. She continued sobbing into my shirt.

Slowly her breathing was better now, low cries and hiccups.

She had her hands fisted with my shirt. Head tucked into my neck. And lips parted as she silently cried. Every once in a while shed take her fists and rub her nose.

Slowly i as rocking her back and forth. I reached over and grabbed a tissue. I cleaned her nose -of course mot without her protest and cries-. She closed her eyes and continued cry as i rocked and sang to her.

Soon after they took us to a room. I set Sophie in her bed that fit at least 3 people. Of course they'd be squished but still fit.

I set her in and as i was about to let her go and sit on a chair she pulled me down. "Noaw. Mawmy no goes!"

I nodded and got beside her. Rubbing circles on her back I continued thinking about how her face looked when she was getting her stitches done. The look she gave me in the car. At home. The same look of pain that broke me.

"Knock, knock."

In came Eric, Merc, Mars, and Ella. "How is she?" Eric asked first.

"She just fell asleep," I whispered as i got out of her bed. I asked Ella for Sophie's bag and took out her blanket as the four of them sat.

I tucked her in and sat on the end of her bed facing the four sad faces. "Dont worry. She did great. She'll be fine," i smiled.

"Sophie is going be okay?" Mars asked.


"She will wake up?" Merc asks.


They smile and nod. Ella looks away distant and Eric looks at Sophie's sleeping figure with guilt and pain. "She'll be alright," i say to no one in particular.

Later when Sophie wakes up.

As soon as Sophie's eyes open all four of them are around her.

"Are you okay?"

"Why did you sleep so long?"

"We missed you."

"I'm sorry."

"Sophie nodded at Ella. She looked at Mars confused and smiled at Merc. "Want daddy," Sophie concluded.

Eric looked up from his hands and sat next to Sophie. "Im sorry princess," he said kissing her head.

She nodded and pulled him into a hug. She snuggled closer to him and he sighed.

I look at my phone and realize its 1:39 and i forgot to call Ella's school. Quickly i pick up my phone and excuse myself.

It rings and no one answers so i call again.

"Hello?" The woman greets.

"Yes. Hello. This is Selena Adams, Ella's mother. Im calling to inform you why shes absent."

"Not to be rude. But who exactly is Ella? And if this some sick prank you kids are playing saying your the successful Selena Adams of Stephanie's then you'll be damned." I'm sure surprise was written all over my face.

"Elliana Leon. Excuse me but, you are in no position to tell me who i am. If the kids in your school are like this ill be sure to pull my daughter out of there. And have one of my husband's finest lawyer, sue your school," feeling a little bad i put it in a sweet tone.

A gasp was heard. "My god! Im sorry Selena! Our kids aren't like that. I mean some are. But i mean not all. I- okay," she gives up.

"Ms. Adam to you," i confirm.

"Yes! Sorry Ms. Adam!"

"Its okay. Now Ella, she was absent because one of her sisters got hurt and so we took her to the hospital. Ella stayed to be with she other sister and brother. So she must be excused for being absent. Please inform the teachers. And if possible try to keep it away from as much people as possible. Thank you," with that i hung up.

I walked back into the room and smile at the sight of all them playing or watching something on the ipad.

As i got closer i realized they are watching something. They all looked like they were to burst. I came up behind them and saw Sophie click on the next video that read 'try not t laugh,' smiling i shook my head as Sophie's little laugh was the first to be heard.

Later when Ella, Mars, and Merc go home.

Miley and Maya came later with cloths for me and Eric. They later took my kids home. Eric said he would leave when Sophie leaves. And me being her mum i couldn't leave her.

So here me and Eric are squished up in the extra bed they brought in. Well we weren't squished up but ehh.

"6 points," i mutter as i tuck Sophie's sleeping form in.

"What? What do you mean 6 points? I'm the one who got Sophie here. Shouldn't you take my points away?" Eric asked confused.

I looked at him and shook my head. "It wasn't your fault. No, I wont take points away. You've gained because you earned it. One for laughig with the kids when you guys were watching that video. Two for making them smile when you guys played boardgames. Three for getting us donuts."

"If i get more donuts will that gain me points?" He teased.

"Nope," i smiled.



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