Chapter 8: All That For A Hug?

Start from the beginning

"What do you want Elena?" he groaned.

"I'm not Elena" I made clear.

"Great(!) Have you been avoiding me, afraid I'll be annoyed at you too?" I simply nodded my head to his question. "I just have to ask, and I hope you tell me the truth. Did you know about Vicki and how Damon compelled me to forget?" I didn't do anything for a while--then the guilt forced me to nod my agreement. "How long for?"

"The second day I got into town, I thought it best to keep it from you because Elena said how bad you were when it happened. I was just looking out for you, Jer" I explained.

"That wasn't your's or Elena's decision to make, you should have just left it, instead of continuing to lie to me" he scolded.

"I know that now, and I regret not telling you the minute I found out Jer. Tell me what to do, and I'll make it up to you" I tried to get an answer.

"It's too late, just leave me alone" he looked back at his food.

"No" I forced him to look at me. "I don't believe that we can't fix this. I lied. I was wrong, both Elena and I were. But you're our brother, Jer, and we love you, more than anything. And I have to fix it. So, just tell me. What can I do?" I waited patiently for his answer.

"You and Elena, the pair of you can go to hell" he stood and walked past me after those words, I turned and watched him leave, scoffing out a breath when he was gone.


"Hey" I waved as Damon appeared out of no-where.

"You need to get out of here" he forced me to my feet.

"Why?" I questioned as he started pushing me away from my bench "Damon, that hurts."

"It's for your own good" he simply said.

"Then explain quick and I'll leave, for my own good" I escaped his grasp and turned to him.

"Tomb vamps are here, their targeting founding families. That means you so get out of here, and get somewhere safe. Elena and Stefan already know" he rushed out.

"Thank you, now was that so hard?" I smirked.

"Yes because it wasted time" he looked at me.

"Oh, sorry. I'll go" I moved to leave and he caught my arm.

"Be careful" he gave me a serious look.

"You too, and don't try to play hero if you need to. I'm hoping to see you alive and well tomorrow" I warned, he nodded and I started rushing towards the parking lot. But I stopped when I saw people were falling down and clutching their head, they were in pain. Nothing could do that besides..."The Gilbert device" I realized, Damon's in trouble.

I followed the last few groups of people in pain back to my family's old building, I hid. Once they were all in, John walked out from around the back, a successful look on his face. I rushed towards him. "What are you doing here?"

"I followed a bunch of deputies dragging people in pain here, I'm guessing The Gilbert device works?" he didn't answer. "Where's Damon?" he kept silent. "Listen, your an a$$ and I hate you more than anything--But you're also my Dad and you should want me to be happy, a way for you to help me be happy is by telling me if my friend is dying in there. Is he?"

"How long have you known?" he frowned.

"Only since this morning and I prayed it was a joke. Turns out I was wrong" I answered.

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