The Sakamaki Brothers

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Once I stepped into the dark mansion , the doors suddenly slammed behind me , letting the loud noise echo through the hallways. I jumped a bit by its haunting but continued onward."Hello?" I cried once again. No answer. "Um, my father sent me here, Kanaki Yoko.". Still no answer. I decided to take a look around to try to find someone who lived here for help. As I walked around, I noticed something strange. When I had walked down the hallways , all the picture frames were completly empty. Just plain white. I started to wonder if anyone even lived here. I wonder myself around the conner of the ever longing hallway to see a small room. And inside that room , I found a person sleeping on a nearby couch. I slowly walked up to the person, making sure not to disturb there sleeping. Once I got close enough to him, I could see his features of appearance. He had blood shot red hair with faded white tips and was wearing a black and red school uniform. With his perfect jaw line and beautiful curved body, he looked actually pretty handsome. I slowly walked up a bit closer to get a closer look until I found myself tripping over myself. I braced my self for impact as I fell face first onto the hard stone floor.

I squirmed around in pain until I felt something cold touch the side of my face. I had accidentally fell on top of the beautiful man. I instantly shot up and quickly moved away , causing me to hit my head against the wall. Once I hit my head , I felt my head feel a bit more lighter. My vision started to look hazy as I fell onto my knees. My body felt a lot heavier as I tried to move but failed miserably. The last thing I saw was the boy from the couch grinning at me, his face a few inches from mine. "Ahh, looks like breastless is an idiot after all" he said, still having a smirk apun his pale face. After those few words, all I could see was complete darkness. His voice. Was so familiar.

After a while, I felt my eyes slowly open up , leaving me to see a bleach white ceiling. I tried to move but my body felt to heavy. All I could to was blink as I let the heat consume my body until I heard a certain voice. "Hey , you awake yet?" The voice said sternly. What? I turned my head to see the same boy I had saw before I blacked out. Except this time , I could see his eyes. They were absolutely gorgeous. They were like a bright emerald green that you could stare Into and never look away. And I couldn't look away. As I looked at him , he began to frown."oi! Answer me!"he said. I jumped at his harsh voice and tried to squirm away , but I couldn't move at all. As I moved around pathetically, a smirk carved into his face. Suddenly, he climed on top of me, his face inches away from mine.
I panicked as tried to move away but he had me pined down to the couch. "What are you doing!?" I cried. "What am I doing? Is it not obvious?"he smirked. "I'm gonna take your blood". What!? He leaned down towards my bare neck and chuckled a bit. I could feel his hot breath spread across my naked neck , making a shiver down my spine.

"You can't run away now" he whispered before lightly licking a certain spot on my neck. I cringed in fear as I felt his cold tounge against my pale skin. He was about to bit me until he heard a deep voice near by. "Ayato. How many times have I told you guest are not food." The voice said , walking closer. The red headed boy clicked his tounge in annoyance as arouse up from my numb body. Reji! Your no fun." He said harshly. "I know not the definition of fun " the other voice said strictly. I looked over to the other man to see someone unfamiliar. He was very tall and had black and silver hair along with silver glasses. He also had a black and red uniform on. As I looked at him, I realized I was still next to the other boy , Ayato I think , and quickly bounced off the couch , running behind the other man. "Please help me! This man tried to harass me!" I cried. The mans eyes shot a glare to me. His eyes were more like a violet color." And who might you be?" He asked sternly. I stiffed up a bit by his voice but calmed down a bit. "I'm Naomi Yoko. My father sent me here for some reason and I don't know why" I explaind. "Your father" he repeated. He then looked over to Ayato. "Ayato, where you aware of this?" He asked. "Eh? You never told me anything about that pancake" Ayato said , looking over at me. "That's because you were harassing me! And wait, did you just calk me pancake?" I cried. "Well yeah, considering your as flat as a pancake" he grinned. What!?

Reji ignored the comment and thought for a moment. "I wonder why you had to come here" he said. He turned around slightly behind him without us noticing and sighed. "We shouldn't talk here. Let's go to the living room area" he said, leading me to the other hallway. Once we got to the living room , I sat down on a couch not so far away from the two men. They both stayed quiet for a while and just looked at me. I was still a bit nervous and confused. Reji still looked like he was thinking and Ayato just looked at me. "So your father sent you." Reji asked. "Oh! Um , yes." I said. "So who is this father of yours?" He asked. "Kanaki Yoko" I responded. He repeated the name a few times as if trying to remember something. As I watched him think, I heard an unfamiliar voice from above me. "Oh. No one ever told me we had a cute girl as our guest."the voice said softly. I looked up to see another boy learning over the railing of the stairs and smiling. He had a black fadora and long but short orange hair with green emerald eyes. He was also wearing the same uniform as the other two.As he noticed me look at him , he slightly smiled and winked at me. I felt a blush against my cheeks as I instantly looked away.

As I looked away , I felt something slimy and cold slide across the shell of my left ear. I jerked up and covered on ear. "She taste good too" he smiled warmly. I moved away from him till I reached the other side of the couch. W-why did he do that!? "Really? I want a taste." Said yet another unfamiliar voice. As I sat in shook , I felt the new voice so fly lick the shell of my right ear , causing me to instantly cover it. I looked to my right to see another boy with purple and black hair and purple eyes. He again had the same uniform as the others and he held a brown teddy bear with a very deaerated eye patch on it. I moved away from the two and ran off the couch." Laito , Kanato , remember the rules." Reji said. They both slouched there shoulders and sighed. "No fair. I just wanted a taste that's all." Laito grinned. "Yes. She I'd very yummy, right Teddy?" Kanato said. He talks to his teddy bear? I moved away from all the men and sat in a far away chair, making boundaries . "Besides that, does anyone know why she's here?" Reji asked. Everyone stayed silent. "I know" I low voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see a man with blonde hair and the same uniform. He had white ear phone in his ears and layed down on a near by. " I got a call from that man the other day. She's supposed to be living here now." He said emotionless. "Oh, and you can't hurt her." "Eh?! I can't live with pancake over here!" Ayato cried. "Deal with it Ayato" Laito said. Ayato suddenly got up and bolted towards Laito , grabbing his collar violently. " Shut up!" He cried. "I don't have to shut up" laito laughed. Ayato only got angrier and angrier until everyone heard a loud bang near by . "WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP!!" Yelled another voice. We all directed our vision to where the voice was. This man had white hair that was parted over his left eye , letting me see his ref right eye. He wore the same uniform as the others as well. I looked to the wall he was next to to see a huge hole there made by himself. Who where all these people!?

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