What was that?

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I was so impressed and inspired by xskater2girl16x new story, and this was something playing at the back of my mind. Mwah, Mwah, XoXo!

‘You’re deaf hydrangea,’ the doctor said.

‘What was that, I can’t hear you!’ Hydrangea said, grabbing her ear,

‘You’re deaf!’ he said louder,


‘Oh god damn it!’ he cursed, rolling his eyes in stupidity. He decided a simple slap on the ear would be enough, so he whacked her hard across the ear.

‘OW!,’ she said, grabbing her ear in pain, ‘be careful, you could make me deaf!’ she shouted. He rolled his eyes and showed her out the door, he had no time for ignorance.

How rude was that? She’s simply asked him why she was having trouble hearing and he’d hit her on the ear.

‘But perhaps he was seeing if my ear was still working!’ she announced loudly to herself, but she didn’t notice everyone one else staring at her, especially the cute boy who worked at the smoothie stand and appeared to have a problem with his eye as only one of them appeared to be working.

Was he winking at her? Oooh!

But when he fell to the floor, collapsing in a seizure she guessed not and kept walking.

She realised halfway across the road that her shoe lace was undone, so she quickly bent over to tie it up. But alas, she could not see or hear the truck roaring behind her.

It was approaching at a rapid pace and honking it’s horn furiously. But she couldn’t hear it,

But she could certainly feel it when it collided with her small body, crushing her instantly.

‘Hydrangea?’ the man standing in front of her asked. He was wearing a black hooded dress and appeared to have a skull for a head,

It was death.

‘Hydrangea, you’re dead.’ He muttered softly, looking at her beautiful pale eyes, nothing could ruin this moment.

‘WHAT??’ she screeched,

‘God damn it!’ he said. He touched her right between the eyes, killing her again. He didn’t have time for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2011 ⏰

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