Episode 9

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Kath: ...Can I trust you...?

DJ: *looks down at her* *nods* Um...That's up to you...but I think you can. *slightly smiles*

Kath: I guess you're a bit trustworthy...but...you promise you hurt me? ...Ever..?

DJ: *nods* I promise.

Kath: Ok....Then I trust you.

DJ: I'll be right back. *grabs his cigarettes and goes out to the back to smoke*

Kath: *hears the door shut* *smirks* *jumps up and runs out the cabin and runs off down the street*

DJ: *smoking* *blows out the smoke and walks back inside* Kathryn? *sees she's gone and the front doors open* oh damn it! *runs outside*

Kath: *running* *feels a tug on her arm*

DJ: *breathing heavily* Nice try. *grips her arm tightly*

Kath: *frowns*

~They get back to the cabin~

DJ: You can stay in here from now on. *puts her in a room and locks it* *mutters* bitch.

Kath: Ugh! *thinks: I was almost out...almost on my way to freedom...I should've known he'd catch me*


Jules: *driving* where the fuck are they?! *getting angry* *sighs* *drives home*

Guy 1: You think he took her out of the country?

Jules: *looks at him* Why would he do that?

Guy 1: Just a thought...he could've taken her to Canada.

Jules: you can't get to Canada from here! Dimwit!

Guy 2: Maybe he took her to a new city. David, what do you say?

David: I think you're all idiots.

Jules: Watch it, Henrie!

David: Watch it?! You're the one who got beat up twice, shot in the leg twice and stabbed, and you're telling me to watch it? Pfft.


DJ: *sitting on the couch drinking beer*

Kath: *can smell the beer* oh geez.

DJ: *throws the beer on the floor* *drunk*

Kath: *flinches*

DJ: *walks to the room* K-Kaathryn-n

Kath: *scared* D-Daniel you're d-drunk.

DJ: *nods* *gets down on his knees and pins her to the floor* Baby-y-y. *slurring his words*

Kath: Owww....Daniel stop, you're hurting me!

DJ: *kisses her roughly*

Kath: *surprised* *accidentally kisses back*

DJ: That's right baby *slurring his words* *kissing her* *kisses her neck*

Kath: *moans*

DJ: *tries taking her clothes off*

Kath: No. Bad boy! No! Bad Daniel! No! No!

DJ: *stops and looks at her*

Kath: *thinks: oh my god, it worked* No. Daniel. Do I have to tell Mommy?

DJ: *shakes his head*

Kath: *crosses her arms* That's what I thought. Now, go out on the couch and go to bed!

DJ: *looks at her*

Kath: Do it.

DJ: Butttt we-e we're havinggg fun-n *lays down on the floor*

Kath: No we weren't. You were being a bad boy. Now, get up and do as your told!

DJ: *slowly gets up and stumbles out the door and falls on the couch* Sleeeep with me, Kathhhh. *still slurring his words*

Kath: *puts her hands on her hips* Do I need to get the wooden spoon?

DJ: *shakes his head* *burps then passes out*

Kath: *sits down on the floor in the room* Damn that was fun. He needs to get drunk more often.

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