Episode 6

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Kath: *wakes up to the smell of weed* *rubs her nose* Ew... *sees Daniel smoking outside* gross.

DJ: *throws out the cigarette and tucks the weed to the inside of his jacket* You're awake. Finally. We need to leave.

Kath: We just got here last night.

DJ: I know. But, we're leaving, the cops are still onto us.

Kath: What--

DJ: God damn it! Will you just fucking listen to me? *yelling*

Kath: *shuts up*

DJ: Get in the car.

Kath: *gets up and goes to the car* *waits for him*

DJ: *starts walking out when he sees Jules driving up to the motel* Oh no. *runs out*

Jules: *jumps out of the car* GIVE IT TO ME!

DJ: *throws the weed at him*

Jules: More!

DJ: That's it!

Jules: You dick! You smoked it! You had the money and you gave it to Neil! *punches Daniel in the face*

Kath: *gasps as she watches them*

DJ: Bastard! *wipes his bloody nose* *punches Jules*

Jules: *kicks Daniel*

DJ: *tackles Jules*

Kath: *scared* *brings her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around her knees and hides her face in her knees*

DJ: You fucking dirt ball! You don't fucking kick me in the fucking face! *pulls out his knife*

Kath: *peeks and sees Daniel holding a knife* *feels tears running down her face and hides her head again*

Jules: Don't touch me Padilla!

DJ: Riiiight! *walks closer to Jules*



uploading until Episode 8 tonight :*

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