Review #30-Alternate

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Title: Alternate

Author: CryoPyxel

Genre: Scifi Fantasy

Rating: PG-13 // YoungAdult

# of Chapters: 8 [Ongoing]

# of Chapters I read:


Eden Lyre couldn't describe her life.

She could describe her lives.

A look at one's reflection shows them an entire new world. They aren't looking at themselves. They are looking at a flipped version, a stranger in disguise.

Rerum Auctor

Her life was wrenched open and broken apart when her brother was taken.

He was only taken because he was different.

Because he could do something that half the population couldn't

Not being able to forgive herself for allowing one person to slip through her fingers.

What about when she lets another?

Realities that stretch into infinity.

Six different people, each with their own struggle.

Their prologue has ended.

Their story has begun.



Purple. A lot of purple. I wonder if this is because you were trying to match the colour scheme to the "written in action" sticker or if it's just a coincidence. Maybe purple is your favorite color?

I notice that you drew this cover yourself, but because I'm not an art critic, I won't go into proportions etc., to each their own. I just wonder what the cover has to do with the title and blurb—we have a girl falling into an abyss of darkness, whilst in the blurb there is a mention of different realities...the two things are disconnected.

Also, the title on the cover is cut off on either side, meaning that you didn't get the dimensions right. 


The plot of this story sounds interesting. When you look in the mirror there is a sort of parallel universe—where everything is kind of the same...or is it? There are a few things that didn't quite make sense, so I'll just go through it (almost) sentence by sentence.

"Eden Lyre couldn't describe her life. She could describe her lives."—Okay, this implies that she has more than one life like she died and got reincarnated into someone else. (You know how some people get deja vu from their past lives?) I don't think it works in this context because it seems like her reflection is a different being from herself. Like her reflection is her but at the same time is someone else.

"A look at one's reflection shows them an entirely new world. They aren't looking at themselves. They are looking at a flipped version, a stranger in disguise."—With reference to my previous statement, this further shows that it doesn't make sense that Eden could describe her 'lives' when here you say that the person in the reflection isn't yourself, but someone else. So it's contradictory. "A flipped version" makes me think that the image is upside down when in reality I think you meant "laterally inverted" or "mirrored".

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