Chapter Four

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Lila and Leo started to get hungry, they'd been walking for hours now and they wanted to just rest.
"Let's stop for the night." Lila suggest.
"We should continue, we don't know what's out here." Leo said in full alert.
"But I can't walk much longer and I know your tired too." Lila yawned "Plus we want to rest up before we get to that forest."
"Yeah, alright." Leo cleared the ground of sticks and rocks around where they're going to sleep. When he was done he laid his backpack down as a pillow. Lila follow his idea and the both were soon fast asleep.
Lila woke with a start, it was morning and early from what she could tell. She looked over and noticed Leo was missing.
"Leo?" She called. "Where are you?" She got no response. She started to panic.
"Leo?! Leo! Where are you? Answer me, please!" Just then she stepped on a piece of paper. She pulled it out of under a rock and read.
Dear Lila,
I knew the way home the whole time. Just stay here where you belong. The land of freaks. I can't believe you thought we were ever friends. Hope you rot here forever. Good riddance.
Sincerely, Leo.
Lila was shocked and heart broken, she began to cry. Leo and Lila had been friends since they were little. They were always together, others mistakes them for siblings not just friends. Had Leo been tricking her this entire time?
She was in a ball now, crying hysterically. What was she going to do now?
Suddenly Lila got up angrily.
"He can't do that to me! I'm going home and giving him a piece of my mind!" Lila stormed off back to the dragon.
It was midday when she got back to him, but he was gone.
"Good riddance! He was probably apart of that act!" Lila exclaimed. She headed back to the cave and tried to find the hole where she fell down with Leo.
A hour later she found the hole and tried using the walls to climb to the opening. She failed several times before finally getting the hang of it. She was so close to being home again, she started feeling nervous. Lila pulled herself up and out of the hole crawling towards the opening in the tree.
It seemed like an eternity before she finally was back in the forest by her house. Lila ran home and when she got home she gasped at what she saw.
Her dad was sitting in his favorite seat.

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