Chapter Three

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"A-a dragon!" Lila screamed breathlessly.
Right in front of there eyes they saw a large dragon it's black scales shimmering as deep blood red spoted throughout his belonged body. Tendlils of black smoke escaped his nostrils as he slept soundless in the clearing in front of them. Behind the mysterious creature sprawled a forest as far as their eyes could see.
"Shhh!" Leo whispered. "We don't want to wake it up!"
Lila nodded with terror on he face. Surprisingly the dragon didn't wake up. "W-what are-are we g-going t-to do?
"We're going to go around him as fast and as quietly as possible. "
Leo and Lila creeped around the dragon quickly and quietly as possible.
Just as they went to pass the dragon's scaly tail, the dragon began to shift in his sleep. He cracked his eye open causing Lila to let out a little squeal in terror. With a quick motion the dragon turned his massive head and looked at them, huffing.
"Who dares wake me up!" Bellowed the dragon in a deep voice.
"W-we're terribly s-sorry, we d-didn't mean to w-wake you." Lila stammered timidly.
"We're only trying to get by you." Leo managed to say.
"Hm, is that so?" The dragon asked, his deep voice booming though the pair. "Your not after my jewels are you?" The dragon eyed them dangerously.
"We aren't, we promise!" Leo and Lila said in unison.
The dragon eyed them curiously"Go on then, get out of here." Lila started to hurry off when she noticed Leo wasn't following.
"Um, mister dragon? May I ask you where we are?"
"Where we are?" The dragon laughed, "You don't know?" He laughed harder.
"No?" Leo said puzzled.
"Your serious?" The dragon replied puzzled, "Very well, we are in the great land of Aiedail."
"And where might that be? I've never heard of such a place." Leo asked, quite confused.
"Your not from around here, are you?"
"No, I don't believe so." Leo glanced at Lila. "But we need to get home."
"Where is the land you call home?"
"In California."
"I've never heard of this land, you are indeed far from home."
"Yes, we are. By any chance could you help us get home?"
"I do not know how to get where you need to go, but the elfs can help you."
"Where can we find them?"
"Through the forest and follow the stone path, then you'll find the elf's town."
"Thank you so much" Leo and Lila said as they turn towards the forest and began to walk towards it.
"Before you go, I must warn you of the fields of nightmares. Do not fall asleep there, for you will be trapped in a never ending nightmare. The forest will take your life force and make it's own." The dragon called, "Fight the urge to sleep. The plants there will make you want to sleep, they'll try to take you, but you must go on. Very few have managed to wake up and live to tell the tale."
"Thank you." Lila shivered.

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