Part 14 - Morning Shower and Privacy

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I slowly open my eyes and turn to the other side of the bed to stretch. Where the hell am I? This is not my bedroom. Oh right. I'm at my boss's bed cause we had sex. Again. Where is he? He can't just leave his house beacause I'm here. I quickly realize I'm naked under the bed sheets. I get up and cover myself with them looking for my clothes.

"Looking for these?" Downey says smirking and holding my underwear and bra. His back is against the door and he is only wearing his boxers. His morning hair undone and messy make him look even sexier like this is even possible.
"Yes please. I just need to take a shower and get dressed."
"Let me show you the way."
He starts walking to the bathroom and I follow him.
"Could you give me my clothes so I get  ready when I finish?"
"Of course Ms. Valle but let's take that shower first."
He pulls down his boxers and grabs the bed sheets from me leaving me naked.
"Nothing I haven't seen before." he says understanding how embarrassed I am. He takes my hand and drives me in the shower with him turning on the water.
"Mr. Downey how about you take a shower first and then I'm going in?"
"Why would we waste so much water? Also , if we do as you say you're going to be late for work and I don't think your boss is gonna like it."
"Yes you're right. He is a pain in the ass."
He moves closer to me and puts his hands on my ass forcing our bodies to touch.
"Are you talking metaphorically or literally? I think he can be both."

As the water runs on our bodies he takes the shampoo and starts rubbing my hair. He then does the same on my back. His lips touch my neck and he starts kissing and sucking on it. He has found my sweet spot. Small moans escape my mouth. I can feel him getting more and more turned on as I clean himself up. He massages my shoulders and then moves his hands lower until they reach my hips. With his one hand he begins rubbing my clit and with the other he grabs my ass. I close my eyes enjoying the moment. His fingers make circles around my area and then he insterts them inside me making me moan louder. Just before I reach my climax he lets go of me. I open my eyes and look at him confused.
"We should get dressed and leave Ms. Valle. If we stay here any longer we're going to be late." he winks at me and leaves me alone in the bathroom. He's not getting away with that.

I get my hair done , leave the bathroom , get dressed and go to the kitchen where I find Downey already dressed up.
"I'm surprised with the fact that you manage to come to work on time when you need so much time in the bathroom Ms. Valle."
"Usually I don't need so much time in the bathroom Mr. Downey."
"I'm happy to hear that."

We leave his house and drive to work. He arrived a couple of minutes before me because he drives like a maniac. Of course he does. I would too if I had a car like his. This time at the office it wasn't so akward. I was feeling more comfortable around him. I was in his office doing some things he told me to when I got a text. It was from Chris , he wanted to go out today for dinner. I started typing when Downey took my phone away from me.
"Hm Mr. Peters is texting you during work? So unprofessional. I'm keeping your phone until lunch break."
"It's not unprofessional to receive a text. I want my phone back please."
"It's one of my rules. You're not allowed to use your phone during work unless I say so."
"I'm pretty sure this wasn't one of the rules you told me."
"It's a rule from now on. Please continue your work."
I was working but I saw him using my phone. He was typing I think. When he left it on his desk he looked so proud of himself.

It's 2 pm and I go in Downey's office to take my phone and tell him I'm leaving.
"Mr. Downey can I have my phone back now? I won't use it during work."
"Of course, here it is. Take it." he says holding my phone in his hand.
I try to take it but he grabs my wrist and pulls me down making me sit on his lap.
"I don't want you to date any of my clients Ms. Valle." he whispers in my ear.
"I'm not dating any of them."
"I'm sure about it now."
He gives me my phone back and I leave the room. I check my phone because I received a new text. It was from Chris.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pressure you. I won't annoy you anymore."
What the hell? I immediately open the previous texts to see what I said to him. I find a text but I don't recall sending it.
"Chris I can't go out with you. I was being nice to you and said I wanted to only because I didn't want you to feel bad. I don't think this could work between us. My feelings belong somewhere else. Please don't text me again."
This is definitely what Downey was doing with my phone. I'm gonna kill him. I walk back into his office aggressively.
"What do you think you're doing Ms. Valle? You can't walk into my office like that."
"Oh I'm sorry but I would ask the same thing to you. You can't just send texts about my feelings to my friends without my permission."
"I told you I don't want you to date my clients Ms. Valle don't get angry."
"Mr. Downey he's not even your client anymore. I'm leaving for lunch break and I'm not coming back for today and maybe for tomorrow. I hope I don't break your rules by doing that." I leave the room slamming the door behind me.

My New Boss (Robert Downey Jr FanFic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora