Found in the Dark

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Y/N's P.O.V

Apparently I had fallen asleep AGAIN! When I woke up it was dark out, I look up to see the moon and bunch of stars. They were up there twinkling while I was down here grieving. I just want to give up, but I know I can't. I just can't , something inside of me is stopping me. It's Mitch. But why is he stopping me?  We barely knew each other, why would he care. I came to the conclusion that he wouldn't care. I least I led myself to believe that. The moon was so pretty, unlike me I'm ugly. Why would anyone want to care for me? That's why I get beat up all the time.

 I look down at myself. Covered in bruises and gashes. I look at my arm, covered in cuts. I decide that this would be a good time to cut since there is a very slow flow of people walking past the ally way. I find my blade in my pack and once I pull it out I take a moment to look at it's gleam in the moonlight. Something that's suppose to be painful is prettier then me.

I let the blade sink into my tender flesh, letting my blood drip onto the cold hard ground. I mumble to myself "I deserve each and every one of these." Once I had enough and there are tears building in my eyes I place the blade out in the open next to my back pack, out for everyone to see. I don't care anymore. I look down at the blood stained concrete, then to my bloody wrist. I'm not going to clean it this time. Nope, not at all. I roll my had back to gaze at the midnight sky, my vision getting blurry from tears building up. That's when I hear footsteps walking up to me...

Mitch's P.O.V

Skip back a hour!

I decided to head out and get a late night Starbucks, but before I left I had to ask Scott if he wanted anything.

"Noting, thanks though!" was his response.

I walked out the door in skinny jeans, oversize sweatshirt, and converse. I decide to walk to Starbucks since it really isn't that far, just a couple blocks. As I walk I notice what a nice night it is. Then I start wondering about what Y/N is doing at this very moment. I don't want to seem clingy to her so I decided not to text her about it. She was such a sweet and funny girl, I don't want scare her off.  No, I don't like her as in I love her, but more in a friendly way. I mean I'm gay for Pete sake! 

I'm only a couple stores down from Starbucks and about to pass an ally way. I hate them, they are so creepy!  Though I heard mumbles coming from down the ally so I decide to take a glance down. I glance and just see someone sitting there so I turn my head back to the direction I'm walking in. That's when I do a double take and take another look down the ally, I then come to realization that it was Y/N! 

What was she... Oh my gosh. She was sitting there crying, cutting herself. Why? Why was she down here? I stood there unable to move because of what I am experiencing. The girl I was laughing and having fun with yesterday is sitting in a ally sobbing cutting herself. She finally stops, putting the blade down and looking down at the bloody ground and her wrist. She looks up to the sky and her eyes tear up again. That's when I decide to make a move and help her. 


Footsteps. I look down to the persons feet. In my mind my immediate thought that it's Caleb. Was it? Black converse. No it's not Caleb his legs are to skinny and scrawny. Scrawny. Mitch. I look up to the persons face and there are those chocolate brown eyes filled with confusion and sorrow. Tears were built up in his eyes, I glance away from him no longer wanting to make eye contact.


My breath hitches before I speak "Y- yes?"

"Why? Why are you here?" Mitch says he is only a few steps away from me.

"Reasons." I mutter back.

He takes my hands in his lightly, causing me to look up into his eyes again. He squats down in front of me and says "I want help. What are those reasons?"

I panic, I'm not ready to talk about this. I break down sobbing, Mitch picks me up so I'm on my feet and embraces me in a hug. Maybe I can trust him. "Shh, calm down. Your okay. Trust me, I'm here." Mitch assures me. I continue to cry and even once I stop I don't let go of Mitch. He is a friend that truly cares. Should I tell him? No, being a good friend he doesn't need to know. I need to protect him. If Caleb finds out about him, he'll do something. Something like take him away and for his freedom I will have to be his partner. He would take me away from Mitch, Mitch wouldn't give up on me and would try to find me. He'll be broken. If I tell Mitch about losing my house, he will end up offering for me to stay at  his house. And you know what happened last time Caleb found me at a new place. I start shaking as horrific images fleet threw my head. Mitch looks down at me, I let go of him and start backing away not making eye contact but looking at the floor still shaking. I slowly walk back to my backpack.

"Y/N? What are you..." Mitch trails off.

"Mitch, if you know whats best for the both of us, you'll do what I say." I say still taking slow shaky steps backwards.

"Depends on what you say." He says then gulps. He starts approaching me at a slightly faster pace that I'm walking back.

"You need to forget about me. Forget you ever met me. Leave me alone, it's for the best." It hurts to say it but it's true. I want to save him.

At this point he is once again placing my hands in his as I continue to walk back. "Y/N I would never do that. Never."

"Fine, I'll have to do it myself." I reply ready to take off.

"What?" His grip tightens on my hand.

I rip my hands from his soft ones and quickly grab my backpack and blade. I take off, sprinting down the ally way to the other side. I accidentally drop my blade while running after I had gripped it to hard and it cut my hand. "Y/N!!" Mitch yelled after me. He wasn't as fast as I am, he was only running. He ran out of breath and stopped. "Y/N...." I hear him say after me. Once I get to the end where the side walk was I turn around and see him looking at me. He really does care, and I care about him. That's why I'm doing this. "Y/N, Please. Stay." He said tears building up in his eyes.

"Sorry." Is all I can say before I sprint down the sidewalk. I have no idea where I'm going as long as it's away from Mitch. Tears start to stream down my face.

Mitch's P.O.V

She left. I watched her leave. Why am I such and idiot. I knew something wasn't right. I turn and start walking back, I don't want Starbucks anymore, I just want her. I saw something shiny on the ground. it was her blade. I pick it up and take it with me. It's all I have left of Y/N. I look down at my hands. They patches of her blood from her cuts. My vision is blurry from tears that start falling down my face. I stick the blade in my jeans pocket, I look back to where I had last seen Y/N. I then look down to see her blood pool on the ground. I had to find her, I wouldn't let such a great girl do such a thing to herself. My phones text tone went off. It was her.

" I did it because I care about you."

I re-read it. Over and over. What did she mean? I need an explanation.

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