Chapter Three

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Phil POV:

I walk down the halls of the school,my friend PJ by my side. His eyebrows are furrowed together and he's looking down at his phone.

"Idiot," he mutters, his fingers flying over the keyboard, responding to whatever text he had received. Based off what I've seen and heard, it's probably Chris.

"What'd-" I start, then quickly backtrack. No questions, Phil.

PJ looks up from his phone, an eyebrow raised. PJ knows about my tell-the-truth disorder, but also knows I'm a curious little shit. I shrug. "Oops."

PJ let's out a short laugh before reading the texts from his phone. "Got morning detention for two weeks. There is no official school rules about hiding in trees and jumping out at students, so I don't understand why. Helllpppp I'm boredddd." He looks up at me.

"Idiot," I agree.

"Yeah, but I'm in charge of that idiot. What do I do?" PJ asks, seeming fully invested in my answer.

I blow the fringe out of my face, thinking, before replying. "Well, if it were me, I'd let him stay there,alone. It might teach him a thing or two about doing stupid things like that," I say, (truthfully, of course,since there's no other option.)

"You know I can't do that," PJ exasperatingly says. I can't believe he actually believes what he's saying. Come on, Peej.

I bite my lip and look up, the words coming out of my mouth before I can stop them. "Can't or won't? You've been watching Chris like a baby since fourth grade. We are seniors now. He can look after himself." I pause. "I know that sounded harsh, sorry."

He nods. "You can't help it," he says sadly. "Besides, you don't really know what it's like, having a best friend," he says,distracted.

When he does realize though, his reaction is priceless. His head snaps up from his phone, sea green eyes wide, and mouth in a little "o" shape.

PJ starts, "S-sorry Phil! I didn't mean that! Well, I didn't mean to say it, but you gotta admit-" I clap my had over his mouth.

"It's fine, man. It's cool," I say, amused.

He relaxes before walking off, muttering something about trying to get a detention.

I sigh. He was right. I don't know what it feels like to have a best friend, somebody to look after you and stick by your side no matter what. I had always been the third wheel to the perfect disaster duo that was PJ and Chris. Those two, they would do anything for each other. If one fell off a cliff, I'm sure the other would be running to catch up with them. They reminded me of what I didn't have.

Distracted, I walk right into somebody. I tumble to the ground, arms flailing around, and land in my butt. "SORRY!" I shout obnoxiously loud , to make matters worse and draw more attention to myself. Ground, please swallow me up.

The guy turns to face me, and I swear
I almost have a heart attack.

It's Dan Howell. The most popular douche in school. I'm in a shitload of trouble.

AN: lol still trying to think out a better plot for this story

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