Chapter 1

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"Come on, you HAVE to let us!"

"Fuck no, you idiot!" I tried yelling at Taylor but couldn't hold in my laughs. He was trying to make me a tinder. Reaching for my phone, he jumped up and started ditching around the room.

"Give the man his damn phone, Taylor. And you're both idiots," Hayden mumbled and rolled his eyes before focusing his attention back to his own cellular device.

"Fine dad," Taylor groaned then tossed my phone towards me. I barely missed it, "but Chris?" I raised my eyebrows, "You gotta get back in the game man! You and Erika have been done for four months now. And she was a bitch anyways." I opened my mouth to defend myself when Hayden jumped in, "It's true man. We tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen. She was a slut and we could only sit back and watch. And you can't keep hooking up with random girls. That's gross."

They were right. Erika was a girl I had gotten into after we hooked up after a show in New York. It was fun at first but then she started turning into a bitch and stopped putting in effort until one day she decided to cheat on me. Then it was over. So I just started hooking up with random girls to get my mind off of it. It worked a little bit but in all honesty, it really didn't.

"Okay okay, you guys are right. Happy?" Taylor and Hayden nodded. "Ok, now stop trying to put me on these stupid dating apps!"

Taylor started cracking up and Hayden let out a chuckle. I smiled and got up from the couch to go grab some water out of the fridge when there was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Hayden answered. As the door opened, our manager poked his head in, "Hey guys, they want to do a quick sound check so if you all could just come out for like half an hour. Then you all can do whatever until the show tonight."

"Alright, thanks Jackson! We'll be there in a minute," I smiled at him, chucking up the deuces. He smiled and nodded then left. I turned to Hayden and Taylor, "alright dudes, let's go kick it."

Following one another, we all got up and left the room, making our way down the hall towards the stage.

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