Part One - The Tour Bus

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Today we're going to the first show we're all really excited. It's their first independent American show they're really nervous. Hell I'm nervous! I've danced in their shows before but only in the background, today I'm up front dancing with Nath. I'm travelling in the same bus as the boys because Max wants to keep an eye on with while the rest of the girls in my dance group travel in another one. I asked them if it was ok and they were cool with it which is a huge weight lifted. I really didn't want them falling out with me over it. At the moment I'm just sat in the seating area on the bus reading which is normally what I do when we're travelling.

Jay- Hey Ames what you reading?

Me- Morning and Noughts and Crosses.

Tom- Oh my god again?

Where the hell did he come from? I'm sure he wasn't here when I came and sat here.

Me- Hells yeah It's so good!

Jay- How many times have you read that now?

Me- Umm I think this is my 10th time.

They both looked at me with shocked looks. Then they started shaking their heads at me. It wasn't that bad was it?

Me- What?

Tom- We need to buy you more books.

Me - That would be nice.

I laugh and I see Max get off his bunk and walk down the bus towards us.

Max- Or she could get a life!

He says while laughing.

Me- Well good morning to you to.

Max- Morning hun

He bends down and kisses my forehead. He is right though I really should get a life but that seems like so much effort and I really can't be bothered doing it. Max comes and sits next to me and takes a drink from my bottle of Ribena then unexpectedly he grabs my book and passes it to Tom. Tom then runs down the bus making me run after him, he holds it up as high as he can. God damn my smallness(not even sure that's a word but oh well)I start jumping up trying to grab it when I see a hand come down from above Tom's head and grabs my book. Nathan jumps down from his bunk and hands me my book back.

Me_ At least someone's nice to me around here!

I say laughing. Nathan grabs me and shouts

Nathan- Yeah us youngens against the world!

I start laughing and so does everyone else. We keep laughing until we hear

Siva- What's all this shouting about?

Me- Sorry seev did we wake you?

Siva- Yeah but I needed to wake up anyway

Just as I'm about to reply when my phone goes off with my How I Met Your Mother message tone it's Barney going "Suit up". All the boys chuckle as I go over to my bunk and grab my phone

Message from- your best fwend Lauren

Wait when did she do that?

Amy how's the tour with the boys? I can't wait till I come to New York and see you guys :) xxx

I quickly reply

Tour is amazing so far, tonights their first show and can't wait to see you to I have something to tell you :) xxx

Yes I'm telling Lauren about Nathan I can trust her. We've been best friend since the start of primary school. Thank god we're going to New York in a couple of days. I think I'm about to explode!

A/N hey guys thanks for reading hope you liked this chapter I know it was really uneventful but I'm just getting a backstory up. Please comment and tell me what you think byeeeeeee :)

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