A call ignored

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'The number you have attempted to call is unavailable. Leave a message after the tone.' -BEEP-

She presses the red button on her phone. Her foot tapping wildly. Fingernails bitten off.
'Where is he...' She whimpers. Standing up and walking in her room with no idea where to go. 'Maybe Master Arra got into a car crash and died... Maybe someone assassinated him... Maybe someone kidnapped him for ransom...'
The possibilities piled up in her mind while she pawed at the bell on her collar. What other reason could he have had to not pick up the phone about twenty times in one hour? Maybe he'll pick up in the next hour because he's busy right now. She felt her heart weigh heavy but kept up hope that he'd answer, given time.

In an attempt to distract herself she tried to focus on her studies, she did have exams in about two weeks. It took only two minutes for her to start up Left4Dead2 and kill every zombie that gets in her way. She ran through it quickly as well. Her lip bitten until bleeding.
The alarm on her phone went off. An hour passed. She immediately dropped out of the game, took her phone and called. The same answer was voiced back at her.

Tears form in the corner of her eye. When suddenly she's the one getting a call.
"Master Sten, accept – decline"
She rushes to press accept.

'Sir... What happened to my Master?' Her voice cracks.
'Kitsune, I've booked a plane for you. I'd like you to come to Belgium. Something happened to Arra...'
The tear that formed fell. She felt herself choking.
'He was walking in the city yesterday when he got jumped and attacked. He's in a coma right now. He needs you, Kitsune. Your flight is tomorrow. I'll mail you the tickets. Don't worry about work, I arranged it, just go.'
She stays quiet. Breathless. Heart pounding against her ribs, making them ache.
'Kitsune? Answer me, please.'
'I... I understand, Sir. Thank you...'
'Hold on, alright. He'll get better once you're here. He won't abandon his little kitten.'
There's little comfort in his words, yet a subtle smile marks her lips.
'I'll be there, Sir.'
'I know you will be. I'll see you tomorrow then.'

The phone gets hung up. She stares out before her. 'Arra...' She whimpers.
The tears come out in a steady stream. What if he never wakes up? Is he going to leave me? What if he's not going to be the same afterwards? The thoughts haunt her for better part of the day. Her heart sinks to her feet, drowning in worry.
She collects her courage long enough to push them aside and pack her bags.
Sleep certainly wasn't on the schedule for that night.

7 am, her alarm went off. Her eyes were still wide open and burning red. She got up and got ready, being as decent as she can for her Master Arra.
Her thoughts were fixated on him, his well-being. She reminded herself that he'd wake up the moment she'd be there, hold his hand.
The plane was an excruciating 4 hours 30. She rushed to get out of the airport, Sten awaiting her.
Nothing was said between them. He simply nodded as she saw him and they went to his car. Her bag in trunk. He drove her to the hospital.
Another long hour added.

Sten went ahead of her as she followed closely. Across a few halls and into an elevator.
First floor – second – Third – Fourth. DING
The door swings open, a wide sign welcoming them to hell. "Intensive care."
She swallows but steps out determined. Sten again takes the lead through halls and beyond countless doors. "Room 423 – Arrandrach Gaurain"
'He's here.' Sten finally says. She stares at the door and opens it, taking a few steps inside.

A steady heart rate sounds from the machine attached to him. Tubes of oxygen going into his bloody and bruised nose.
He looks horrible. Worse than she'd imagined of the face that she so adores.
She steps carefully to his side and holds his hand.
'I'm here now, Sir. Please wake up now...' The tears came again. She hoped for a reply but knew she wouldn't get one.

Her heart sank into the ground. She fell on her knees and held her forehead against his hand. The whole world was weighing down on her. Sten came into the room but said nothing, simply getting packed food and made some tea for her. 'Here, you should eat some.'
She shrugged it off and kept holding Arra's hand.
'Kitten, do you remember how Arra would react? I'm pretty sure he'd say something along the lines of;'I don't care that you don't want to, you will eat.' As she smiles, more tears come. She took the food, and starts eating with small bites.
'I'll make you proud, Sir. You'll see.' She whispers to him.

Sten leaves and comes back every day to ensure that she has food and drinks.
Arra trusted him to take care of Kitsune when he isn't able to. A trust he never considered for anyone else. While she calls her Master, he's a secondary. Meaning that there's no love, no flirting and certainly no physicality. Sten was a true friend, the best he knew. Arra himself was as territorial as could be when it came to Kitsune. Sten took this role very seriously for his friend.

A full week passes with no difference. Kitsune sits tired by her master's side, sleeping on the bed with him, never breaking contact.

'Hope is very slim now. I don't believe it wise to continue his life-support, he's gone, miss Kitsune.'
A doctor comes in with a low voice. 'NO! He'll come back! He has to come back now that I'm here! He'd kill you for suggesting it if it were me!' The doctor sighs and nods, heading out of the room. Kitsune's tears overwhelm her again and she presses her lips against his.
Her tears flowing from her cheeks onto his.

Through the kiss, a small cough erupted from his lungs. She immediately leaned back.

'Sir?! I'm sorry did I choke you?!' She panics frantically. 'Sir?! Sir!'
A wheezy yet stable breathing forms slowly. His eyes force themselves open.

It's all blurry, his hearing is painfully sharp. 'K...kitten...' He identifies her from her voice.
She laughs crying and holds him. 'Master... I knew you'd awaken sooner or later...'
'I... couldn't leave... my kitten.' A small smile forms, comforted by her presence.

She ran out into the hall, overjoyed. 'Doctor, come quick!'
She ran back inside and stood beside her Lord, holding his hand.
The doctor came in shocked but happy. 'At last, we'll begin the recovery treatment immediately.'
He says and goes to his office to plan the appropriate treatment and therapy.

That afternoon Sten arrives while his kitten explains to her Master what happened.
She eats the food he prepared for her heartily.
'Thanks, Sten. For everything.'
He simply nods and smiles.
'For what you've done for me, it's the least I could do, mate.'
'Still... Thank you.'
He replies again with a nod, accepting the gratitude.

'Kitten said I was attacked.'
Sten nods.
'Yeah, and I found out who...'

(To be continued~)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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