Chapter 11: Frustration, Sadness, Stress, and Madness?

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I'm so frustrated with my sister, I'm sad that I can't go to prom with Cam, I'm on the verge of crying, and I'm pissed off for many reasons. I haven't eaten anything scenes this morning, because we don't have much food. Well we have food, but I'm to lazy to make it. I don't like the book I have to read for my English class, but I have to read it, for a grade. I don't like biology, I hate the way the teacher teaches it, she makes it so boring. I got lucky, because I don't have a math class, because I have it online. So instead I have weight training, with Cam, so at least I end my day on a high note, because of my back I can't do squats, or dead lifts. If I do I will probably pull a mussel in my back, and that won't be a pretty site, I'll have to go to the E.R, and get a surgery that I really don't need done, then they will fuck up my back, and it will hurt more than it already does, and we don't need that, so I just do bench press, and shoulder press. Thats about all I can do, because of my back, but my lungs suck sometimes, but I learned to deal with it, after a while. They say that you won't feel a thing, but I felt everything that they did, even though I was on pain killers, or whatever. I never called something a 10, because I'm saving it for a day that may or may not happen. I know that I'm just a teenager, but I'm not stupid. I don't think like most people do, where they think they know everything, and that they're always right. I only raise my hand when I feel like it, but when I talk in front of the class, I start shacking, and I forget what I was going to say next, because I don't like to draw attention to myself, because I'm way to shy for that, and I don't like people who what everyone to pay attention to them. I don't pay any attention to them, because they're a waist of my breath. I've been through hell, and back. I know why they pick on me, and they know that I'm an "easy target." Easy target my ass, when they come near me, I just pretend that they don't exsist, and it usually ends with them being pissed off, so they push me agenst the wall, but I push them harder, and this happens in between 11:58 - 12:19. It sucks, because the girls won't stop calling me Goth, emo, and a slut, when they know I've never been laid, but that was before Cam and I got together. It happened at the beginning of the 3rd trimester.

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