Chapter 4

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      Elizabeth took a deep breath, shaking slightly. No one could help her now. She was on her own. The thought scared her. Sure, she had been on her own for a few years, but she was always near living people. Where she laid now, she had no idea. She found herself crying. Not only from fright, but because she kept on remembering things she wishes she hadn't. She always tells herself to stop; stop remembering him. Souls aren't even suppose to remember their past life.

      Everything was suppose to be simple. You live, remembering all the while. Then when your soul leaves your capsole, you leave all information behind. She had figured out that she was strannge when she started wondering the town, finding different souls and stiking up conversations with them.

      After what she figured out was her funeral, she didn't have a place to go. She figured she couldn't go to her old home, for the sake of her mother. She started wondering to places. Her mind would wonder, and she would pop up in a completely different location. She would always pull at the ends of her snow white dress. She didn't know why, it just gave her something to do.

      Her bare feet thumped underneath her. She was running. She didn't know where she was going, all she knew was that she had to go. Her body came to an immediat halt. She felt a pain in her butt, shooting up through her hips. She looked up, a black figure standing before her. "Please.. Don't hurt me." She wimpered, squeezing her eyes shut tight.

      A small chuckle came from the figure and it bent down. "Are you alright, sweetie?" A suprisingly soft, sweet voice came. It was almost in a motherly tone. Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes, taking in the woman's appearence.

      She was small framed, nothing like Elizabeth. Soft looking red hair flowed down to her upper back. It was too dark to be natural, so she figured it was dyed before the woman's passing time. Sweet, straight bangs framed the woman's face, a look that only looks good on some people, but she managed to pull it off amazingly. This woman was also wearing a plain, simple white dress. But her's was strapless, and loose fitting her body. It came together at the end with the most beautiful lace. Elizabeth had lade her eyes on.

      "You alright, honey?" The concerned hazel eyes looked at Elizabeth at looking right into her soul. 'Wait...' Elizebeth thought, laughing lightly to herself.

      "Yes, I am fine, thank you." Elizabeth stated, getting up an dbrushing herself off. "May I ask what your name is?" Elizabeth may have a forward attitude, but she always had the manners of a Southern Bell you would see in movies.

      "Name..?" The confused look on the woman's face gave Elizabeth shivers.

      "You know.. A name; what people call you." Her voice was a bit wavery. She didn't know what was going on, didn't know where she was..

      "I don't believe we have those things around here. What is your," The woman paused, searching for the correct words. "What is your 'name'?"

      "Y-you can call me Elizabeth. My full name is Elizabeth Dawn Harris." Out of habbit, Elizabeth extended her hand towards the woman. To Elizabeths suprise, the woman flinched.

      "W-what are you doing with that?" fear filled the womans hazel eyes. Elizabeth could see the frown lines on the woman's forehead, indicating that she had lived longer than Elizabeth had expected.

      "It's a handshake." She stated simply. She reached out her opposite hand, slightly cupping the woman's wrist. She brought the woman's hand the hers, grabbing onto her palm. Elizabeth smiled. Not a fake smile like usual, but a real smile.

       Elizabeth jumped slightly. She rubbed her eyes, looking up at the sky. It had gone dark since the last time it had been in her vision. "I can't just give up." She stated to herself. "I'm going to get him back." She picked herself up off the ground, making the very long journey towards home -and she knew that- but anything was worth seeing Josh again.

                        Josh took a deep, aggrivated breath. He glanced down at the few simple words that a few years ago ment nothing to him, but now it broke his heart.

                                                            Recieved at 4:17 pm

                                                              From: Eli Dawn<3

                            Sorry I wasn't at school today. I've been thinking a lot. Told mom I was sick and she believed it. :) Anyways, My phone is about dead, so I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun at your dad's. :) <3

     He slowly felt warm tears flowing down his cheeks. 'Why did she leave me?' He thought. But he caught himself. It wasn't her fault. She didn't leave him. She was taken. And so God help him, he was going to get that man back. He couldn't just let him get away with it. Prison wasn't enough for men like him. He deserved to die, even if Josh is the one who has to give it to him.

     'Eli wouldn't want me to do this.. She wouldn't want me to go to such a low level. And I won't.. But I can't help but think how good it would be if he got what he has coming to himself. Wait.. Am I talking to myself? What the hell?' He tossed his phone to the side, laying down and closing his eyes into what he hoped would be a restful sleep.

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