Chapter 2

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     "Joshua!" Her whole being went cold. Everything around her faded. Her body was numb, as if in a trance. She hasn't felt this way since her soul left her capsole. That's what she said; capsole. She figured that bodies of the living are just holding in souls.

    As soon as it started, it ended. She noticed an unfamiliar pressence in front of her. What happened, she thought to herself. They must have... She gulped, not able to accept the fact that someone -someone alive, living- has just passed through her. "Yo, Josh, turn up the heat. It's freezing in here."

     "Chill out, Bradly. Pun intended." The said Joshua boy said. He was wearing faded blue jeans, a loose white t-shirt that gripped his upper arm muscles, showing off his toned body. Typical small town boy. But this boy, instead of being the innocent countryboy she could see, he had an edginess ((Is that even a word??)) in his eyes. His deep blue eyes, as blue as she could imagine. He had dark brown hair, almost black like. It was straight, obviously natural. It was all moved to the side of his face. He had soft freckles that dotted the tip of nose. Gorgeouse, I would say. "What time is the game on?" His voice broke her out of her trance. His voice.. So deep and mesmerizing. Something was familiar about it.

     "7, I think." The Bradly boy looking like just the opposite of Josh. He was more round, chubby, if you will. His hair was bright blonde, almost the color of Elizabeth's. His eyes were blue, also. But his seemed more care-free and tempting.

     The rest of their conversation, was never heard. Elizabeth found herself wondering throughout the boy's house. He did not seem grown up enough to live alone, though he did look mature. Say around 19-20, which would have been Elizabeth's age if.. you know. She walked calmly up the stairs placed by the opening of the kitchen. She never watched where she walked, never had to anymore. She was looking at everything on his walls. Pictures of family, friends. Mostly family pictures and portraits decorated the light tan walls. She passed through a table in the middle of the hallway, placed against the wall. That's when she saw it. It was her, when she was 14.

    Just before the accident, Elizabeth was the perfect all american girl you would hear about in movies. Delicate frame, but the sternness of a horse. She had curly dirty-blonde hair, and the greenest, most cheerful eyes anyone had ever seen. That's when something hit her. Joshua, the boy downstairs. That was HER Josh! The Josh she had missed so very much. A smile crept across her face. Remembering all there memories, all the trouble they got into together... Don't get her wrong, Josh and Elizabeth were the perfect couple back then. They both were in Honor Roll, straight A's. Best friends since birth. Everything had been so perfect..

     But she was still only a child. Children made mistakes, foolish moves. 'I should have never went out that night,' She thought, all traces of a smile disapearing.

     It had been a perfect night. She wanted nothing more but to take a walk. She slipped on her hoodie, as it being fall. "Mom! I'll be back in an hour, okay?!" she paused, waiting for her mother's soft voice.

     "Alright. But be careful! Bring one of your father's phones with you. Check in in 30 minutes." Her mother desended down her stairs, gracefully moving her feet.

     "I got it." Elizabeth cracked a small smile. As she walked out the door, she took in a deep breath. The outdoors had always brought her peace. She started walking, just letting her thoughts wonder. Before she knew it, 45 minutes had passed. 'Oh crap.' She cursed at herself. She pulled out the flip phone. Flipping it open, she had 4 unread messages. 'Elizabeth! Where are you?' 'Honey, text me back.' 'Lizzy, check in, now.' and last but not least, 'If you don't text back right now, you're grounded.'

     She sighed to herself, a gentle smile playing at her lips. She started to message her over-protective mother back. 'Mom, I'm fine. I'll be home soon. :)' She closed the phone, turning a corner and diciding to take the long way home. She took a left. That's when she saw him. His eyes looked angry, and his fists were clinched. She dicided to just ignore the man, walking on her own way.

     Elizabeth fell to the ground, feeling hands all over her. "S-stop!" She tried to pry the man off of her with all her strength. But she was too weak. Tears stained her face as the man started to unbutton her jeans. She kicked, flailed; and she got him. She kicked him right in the stomach. The man made an 'Umph' noise. She caught a glimps of a metal object come out of his pocket.

     "This ought to teach you, you little bitch." the man struct down, hard. She felt immense pain in her chest. Red, sticky liquid was already everywhere. But that never stopped him. He kept striking her, untill he felt satisfied with what he had done.

    Elizabeth gazed down at her own body. She looked helpless. Blood covered her everywhere, mostly her chest. It never seemed to stop coming out, making her wonder if her heart was still beating, or if she could be saved. But there was no way... And she couldn't help but feel alone at that moment.

     She was snapped back into reality as she saw the picture being lifted up to someone's eye level. "You know, Joshua, it's time to move on. It has been years." This time it was a woman's voice, gentle and sweet. Elizabeth turned to see woman, probably in her mid 40's.

     "I know, mom. But I can't help it.. I loved her. Love, I love her. I never have stopped. I havn't gotten over the fact that she really truly is gone." Josh's eyes contained complete depression.

     "But Josh, I'm not gone! I'm right here! Just listen to me!" Tears crowded her vision. "Josh! Just listen! I'm NOT gone! Please! Please..." She fell to her knees. She didn't know why she chose now of all times to break down. She knew her cries were unheard. She knew they were never to be heard again.

     He set the picture down, stepping down the hallway as if nothing had ever interupped his trip. Elizabeth glanced at the woman. She looked strikingly alike to josh, no doubt his mother. What was her name again..? Elizabeth? 'No.. That's my name.' She thought to herself. Merideth! That was it! Merideth! She felt proud of herself for remembering. She couldn't even remember her own parent's names nowadays. She sighed to herself. It was getting late. And even spirits needed rest. She made her way down the hallway, poking her head through doors to see where she could crash for the night.

     That's when she came across the most familiar, and comfortable place to her; Josh's room. She walked in, taking in the scene. There was steam coming out from under the bathroom door, so he was no doubtedly in the shower. She smiled to herself, taking in his scent. It had never changed, he still smelled the same. The boy she loved. The boys she loves. Joshua Ward.


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