Chapter One

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'How could they do this to me? Why did it have to happen to me? I don't understand! I did nothing wrong.. so why did they do this to me?' Is all that she thought as she sat. That's all she did nowadays; sit. I mean, what else is a dead girl going to do? Visit with her friends? Yeah, if she had any.

She sulked as she passed through town. She wished she could interact. She wish she could tell someone that she was here. She was here, and she was okay. She felt the wind flow around her. It brought her peace. It is the last thing she felt before she left their world. Well, besides pain.

"I wish I could still be alive," she couldn't help but a single tear slide down her cheek. While she was here, crying, every human being was off doing a normal day's events. No one could feel her presence. No one knew she was there. All she wished for was one more moment. One more moment with him, is everything she needed. Him, Joshua. The boy who stole her heart, and still held it within his palms.

With just these words, the whole scene changed. The town and buildings flew past her, shaping into something different; something so familiar. She looked around. The stillness relaxed her. The only movement was the soft wheat growing in the fields. She felt metal under her feet; train tracks. She let a smile grace her soft pink lips, something she hadn't done in some time. At this moment, all of her fears drained away. Everything that was making her gloomy, faded. Remembering him always did this to her. She could remember him like it was only yesterday; his smile, his eyes, his hair.. Everything about him still sent shivers down her spine.

With the ending of her thought coming near, a loud sound peirced through the forbidden sky. She instantly froze. 'I wonder if I could die again?' she peacefully thought to herself. Pushing the thought aside she walked off the tracks as if the train constructor could see she was in the way.

Sometimes, life is almost as busy as the town's streets used to be; full of life. Just as before, everything started shaping into something different. She was standing in the middle of a crowded intersection. 'W-what is this place?!' Her thoughts started to get panicked. She was not familiar with her surroundings. This can't be good. Not at all. That's when it caught her eye. The same dark brown, wavy hair she remembered. She couldn't quite remember where from; but she remembered it alright. Her feet started moving at their own will, carrying her off to follow the stranger.

She came to a tall building, taller than any she'd ever seen. The building looked strange, just from the outside. It looked as if she stepped to a building made of clay. This building was too tan for her taste. And a maroon top? Oh dear lord. She stepped forward, something peircing her foot. Strange... She ignored her curiouse thoughts, taking steps forwards untill she reached a door. She wasn't going to knock, she'd been through this routine before. You knock, no one hears you. You reach for the doorbell, your hand passes through it. She had no choice but to answer her unattended questions herself.

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