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Chapter 2: Newborn


I found myself in a forest. It was dark and I was alone. I looked around and I saw a shadow standing near a tree. I was frightened by a pair of glowing red eyes. The figure stared at me and at one point it growled. I slowly walked away but the shadow came closer, revealing its wolf features. My mouth fell open in shock and he was approaching me. I then turned around to run as fast as I could. I felt like I wouldn’t be able to get away, but then I looked back and I saw him standing so far away, and I realized I was going at an incredible speed. The wolf started to run, almost catching up to me. I could feel my body heat up, as I ran faster trying to get away. I tried hiding but he found me. I was frightened, and I couldn’t do anything but run.


I opened my eyes widely and I was awake. I could see the smallest crack on the wall. My eyesight was clear and I didn’t need my glasses. My ears were filled with sound. I could hear everything from miles away. I heard the sound of my mother’s voice coming all the way from downstairs. My sense of smell was better than ever. I smelled the scent of freshly made pancakes that came from the kitchen. I picked up a mirror that lay on my night stand, I looked… different. My skin was lighter, my hair was longer and a shade lighter, and my eyes were brighter. My right wrist was wrapped. “What happened?” I questioned trying to remember everything from last night. I undid the bands from my hand, and saw two marks then I remembered. That guy I saw last night was a Vampire…

My body was still sweaty. I was relieved that the wolf incident was just a dream. If only what happened last night had been just a dream… but it wasn’t. Not only did he drain me, he turned me into a monster…

I lay there on my bed trying to think what was I gonna do. How was I gonna live?  I heard my mother coming up the stairs into my room. My mother entered and greeted me with, “Good morning honey!” I answered, “Good morning mom”. “How are you feeling?” asked my worried mother “I’m fine mom”, I said with a fake yet convincing smile. “Alright, now come down and eat something. You must be starving.” She was right. My stomach was empty so empty that it felt like I hadn’t eaten in years. As I entered the kitchen I looked at the table full of food. I was surprised because my mom rarely makes this much food. I took a seat in one of the chairs and started eating; I ate everything, but my stomach wasn’t satisfied. My mother noticed my hunger “Miranda, do you want anymore?” “No thanks mom. I’m good.” I didn’t want my mother to wonder why all of the sudden I was eating so much, so I lied. Truth is not even I knew why the sudden hunger came. Could it be because of what happened last night? I wasn’t sure, but I needed answers. “Thanks mom for the great breakfast. I’ll be going outside to get some fresh air. I won’t take long.” “Alright.”, and after that I stepped outside. The weather was perfect; not too cold but not too hot. I loved those days.

I decided to go to the backyard and stay there in the fresh air. I suddenly hear what sounded like footsteps, and I looked around to see who it was. It was him. Him. The one that did this to me. I looked at him with anger, but didn’t seem to care he had that smirk on his face. “Hey beautiful”, he said approaching me. I walked away keeping distance between us. “What do you want?” I said “Didn’t you have enough of my blood already?” he looked at me with a smirk. “No”, he said getting closer to me and putting his hands on my waist “I want you now”. I pushed him and he ended up by a tree. I didn’t realize my strength. “Oh God. Umm are you okay?” I asked “Yeah I’m fine” he said “I forgot you were a newborn”. I held out my hand and helped him get up. “Yeah… about that am I really a Vampire?” He gave me a look and laughed. “I bit you of course you are.” “Oh” is all I could say. “C’mon! Being a vampire isn’t that bad. You’ll see. I’ll show you.” he grabbed my hand and we started running. Seconds later we ended up at a park near my house. It was morning so no one was here. “Okay Miranda I will tell you everything about being immortal” “whoa. First of all how do you know my name?” the boy answered, “I heard your mum call you that, so I supposed its your name.” “Oh. Wait were you spying on me? And how did you find me? Who are you anyways I don’t even know you” I asked. “Ugh. You ask to many questions don’t you think?” I glared at him for his silly comment. “Can we just talk now?” he asked “fine” I finally said and then he began telling everything about vampires. I was amused by everything he would tell me apparently vampires aren’t how I imagined; they’re even better! He also told me his name, Austin. I liked that name. It was a nice name. He told me about himself and his story. Austin is nearly 80 years old with the image of a 17 year old. Austin had lived in many different places but he was from England. I barely noticed his accent; a deep British accent. I love guys with accents, and when I noticed his it was immediately a turn on.

As he was telling me the story of his transformation I realized his eyes were gorgeous when they weren’t red. They were a mix of blue and green. They were perfect. He wasn’t that bad looking actually; he was pretty attractive if I may say.

The way Austin became a vampire was interesting. He said that long ago he dated a girl who was daughter of the Vampire leader, but of course Austin didn’t know. He said that one day after they had been together for a long time they decided to take it to the next level. When it was about to happen she started to kiss his neck and then she bit him. Austin told me that after that they broke up, but he was actually really in love with her. They later became friends because he had become part of the Vampire Family. I was impressed with everything he told and I kind of became close to him. I saw him like a friend now. Not like the monster he was.

“So yeah that’s what happened” Austin said with a sigh. “Ohh sorry to hear about that” I said putting one hand on his shoulder. “Thanks” he said with a smile. “Well Austin I must go now. Sorry” “oh no its fine, but let me get your number so we hang out sometime” I raised an eyebrow and looked at him “I mean Vampires gotta stick together right?” “Right!” I chuckled. I then gave him my number and we said goodbye. He gave me a hug before leaving I laughed and I could tell he was getting red. It was an awkward hug but it was cute. “Bye!” I said leaving and I ran Vampire speed to my house. In less than a minute I was there. My mother wasn’t home. I supposed she went shopping or something, so I went inside. I went to my room and I lied down on my bed. I thought of what I was now, and I still couldn’t believe it.


Haiii guise! Well here's the second chapter! I hope you liked it. I know its kind of boring but I'll try to make them better. and sorry for my bad Writing >.< I'm not the best but I love to write. Well Guise tell me what you think so far. Comment and vote. If you vote and comment I'll update sooner :)also tell your friends about it please. I would like more people reading it and I'd like feedback, so please.  besides that I hope you guys have a great day and thanks so much for reading! Xx <3

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