Beautiful Creatures

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So so so sorry for the late update.

Chapter 5: Beautiful Creatures

Those beautiful green eyes were now looking at me…

I gasped in realization. He saw me, and he was approaching the window I became nervous, and jumped onto of the balcony ledge, and I was about to jump to the next one. The window opened and there he was. I looked at him with my eyes open wide, he just stared at me. I was about to jump to the next balcony when his voice stopped me, “No wait. Come back.” He said, and I slowly turned around jumping of the ledge. I now stood right in front of him. I faced the floor so that I wouldn’t have to look at him, but he placed a hand on my cheek caressing it and putting my hair behind my ear. I looked at him. His eyes looked teary, as if he were about to cry. His fingers kept caressing my cheek, and the silence was broken by his voice.

“Who are you?” he said. I didn’t reply I mean I didn’t know what to say. “I’ve seen you before. In… my dreams”. After he said that I looked at him in confusion.

“I know it sound quite weird, but I have. You’ve appeared in my dreams. Not once but many times.”  I was confused on how did I appear in Harrys dreams?????? But then I remembered. Austin had told me that Vampire thoughts are very strong, that when you’re thinking of someone its like that person can feel it [made up]. You know that saying “If someone appears in your dreams it means they were thinking about you before they went to sleep” well, its true, except for the part about sleeping. Vampires don’t sleep. Every night Harry was on my mind, so I appeared in his dreams.

It was silent. I didn’t say anything and he didn’t say anything. The only thing he would do was look at me while caressing my face. I wonder what his dreams were. He seemed quite amused with seeing me.

After a long silence he finally spoke, “Miranda?” I looked up at him in shock. “Is that your name?” he said again. “Yes. How did you know?” I asked for I was still confused. “You see with your various appearances in my dreams I now know your name. You’ve said it in my dreams.” He answered and looking at my reaction. I didn’t know what to say, so all I did was stare. “You’re just like in my dreams. You don’t talk much, you’re quiet, shy, yet you’re so beautiful.”

I looked at him, and he spoke again, “Miranda. Please… talk to me. I want to talk to you” When he said that his eyes became glossy again. “Harry I-I-. I don’t know what to say.” He then moved closer to me wrapping his arms on my waist and saying, “You don’t have to say anything. Miranda, you’re the girl of my dreams”. I melted when he said that but my thoughts were interrupted as I felt soft lips on mine. He… kissed me. I was very much surprised because this is my first kiss. Harry is the first boy to ever kiss me. I always wished that it would be him, but I never could’ve imagined that it would actually happen.

After a little we pulled apart. I was surprised, and I still couldn’t talk. Harry was still holding me close, and he gave me a smile saying, “Will you tell me about yourself. I wanna get to know you”. I nodded, and we headed inside.

As soon as we got inside we sat down and started talking. He asked me about my life and stuff. He was asking a lot of questions it seemed like he really wanted to know. I wanted to tell him that I was a Vampire, but I didn’t know how to. There was a time where he placed his hand on mine, and was surprised by the coldness of my hands.

“Wow! Your hands are extremely cold” he placed my hands on his trying to warm them up, but realized it wasn’t working. He looked at me and asked, “Miranda, aren’t you cold?” I said, “No. Harry I-I-I”. I wasn’t sure if I should tell him or not. I asked myself, would he believe me? Would he understand? My thoughts were interrupted; “Yes?” he spoke so I decided I would tell him. “Harry I’m a Vampire.” He raised an eyebrow and gave me a funny look. I knew he wouldn’t believe me. “I know it sounds crazy and weird but its true. I’m a Vampire”. He then noticed that I wasn’t joking and his face changed into a more concerned look. “A  Vampire? Like the ones in the movies?” he asked. “Yes Harry that’s what I am”. After that was said I proved to him that I really was a Vampire. I showed him the speed I could run at, the strength I had, my hypnotizing ability I had, the change of my eyes, my sharp fangs, and my lifeless heart. He seemed surprised, yet so interested in it. I grabbed his hand placing it on my chest where my heart is and said, “Harry, my heart no longer beats… I’m a heatless monster” “Don’t say that.” He cupped my face with his hands. “You’re no monster I think you’re beautiful Miranda”. He looked at my lips for a moment. I wanted what was about to happen but at the same time I didn’t. I was afraid my Vampire sense would come in and cause something. I didn’t want to hurt him. Instead I gave him a smile.

Harry brought me to his bed and laid me down, and he lay next to me. We were there face to face, and we remained like that for a while. We just stared into each other’s eyes and enjoying the moment. After the long silence Harry brought up a question, “Miranda?” “Yes?” “How did you find me?” his question reminded me why I came here. I came to tell him I loved him. Sounds a bit lame but I had to now that I could. “Twitter” is all I said answering his question. He chuckled knowing my answer was a bit weird, but it was reasonable. “I came all the way here just to see you.” I said “you did? How?” “With my super speed of coarse” I laughed. He laughed too, and I smiled ‘cause I loved the sound of his laugh. I sat up to look at the time, and noticed it was getting late. I needed to get back home before morning. I turned to look at Harry “Harry I need to leave.” I said this as I started to walk towards the window but Harry held me back. “Miranda, please stay with me” was this really happening? Was Harry Styles really asking me to stay with him? I couldn’t say no to him, so I decided I’d stay, “Okay Harry. I’ll stay.” In reply he gave me a big smile showing his cute dimples.

I was brought back to lie down on his bed next to him. This time he wrapped his arms around me and my head was on his chest. I could hear and feel the beat of his heart, and I enjoyed listening to it. I never thought I would love my heartbeat until I no longer felt it.

I lay there awake as I listened to Harry’s quiet snores. I loved how I was cuddling with Harry. Harry Styles the person I most adore more than anyone. This felt like a dream, a dream that I was now living, and I wanted to enjoy every second of it.

Several hours passed and I knew that I would soon need to leave. I wish I didn’t have to but I needed to. It was 2:00 am, and I decided it was time for me to leave. I slowly realized myself from his arms, and I placed a pillow there. I grabbed a paper and pen, and I wrote a small note. I left it on the pillow next to his, and I jumped out the window and ran back home. What a night I thought.

Harry’s P.O.V

 I was awoken by the bright light that came in through the window. I opened my eyes and realized that the girl that was with me last night was no longer in my arms. I felt sad knowing that she left without a goodbye, but then I noticed a note lying on the pillow. It was from Miranda. It read, “Hello Harry. I am really sorry I left, but I really had to go back home. I promise I’ll come back to you. <3” a smile appeared on my face. I would see her again.


Hello fellow readers! I am really sorry for the crappy chapter. I am hoping to make them better as the story continues. Harry will defenitly appear more often now. I hope keep reading and I hope you liked this, and please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, & SHARE! I'd appreciate it  and my other stories too(: Well I hope you're all having a wonderful day/night.  Thank you Much love. Xxxxx  

Bites [A Harry Styles Vampire Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora